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  1. D3維他命 相關

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  3. 人體所需重要營養素,幫你維持正常生理機能,增強體力。首選安心品牌《悠活原力維生素D3》. 加入會員馬上享優惠,會員日最高享10%優惠,會員日再享翻倍送,生日還送你生日禮金喔!


  1. › wiki › Vitamin_DVitamin D - Wikipedia

    Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and for many other biological effects. [1] [2] In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D 3 ( cholecalciferol) and vitamin D 2 ( ergocalciferol ). [2] [3]

  2. Vitamin D deficiency or hypovitaminosis D is a vitamin D level that is below normal. It most commonly occurs in people when they have inadequate exposure to sunlight, particularly sunlight with adequate ultraviolet B rays (UVB).

  3. Function. The VDR gene encodes the nuclear hormone receptor for vitamin D. The most potent natural agonist is calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and the vitamin D 2 homologue ercalcitriol, 1-alpha,25-dihydroergocalciferol) is also a strong activator.

  4. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) appears to stimulate the body's interferon type I signaling system that protects against bacteria and viruses, unlike vitamin D 2. For psoriasis, cream that includes vitamin D3 can have a good effect, or UVB phototherapy. Vitamin D

  5. › wiki › CalcifediolCalcifediol - Wikipedia

    The first of these (also known as 25-hydroxy vitamin D3) is made by the body, or is sourced from certain animal foods or cholecalciferol supplements. The second (25-hydroxy vitamin D2) is from certain vegetable foods or ergocalciferol supplements.

  6. Ergocalciferol is a secosteroid formed by a photochemical bond breaking of a steroid, specifically, by the action of ultraviolet light (UV-B or UV-C) on ergosterol, a form of provitamin D 2. [19] Like cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol is inactive by itself.

  7. Dopamine receptor D3 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DRD3 gene. [5] [6] This gene encodes the D 3 subtype of the dopamine receptor. The D 3 subtype inhibits adenylyl cyclase through inhibitory G-proteins.

  1. D3維他命 相關

  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    強健骨質,絕對優勢!BHK's鈣+D3 發泡錠,一錠即含有約2杯牛奶的鈣含量,隨時隨地迅速補給! BHK's鈣+D3 發泡錠,高效補充人體必需礦物質,順口好喝不含乳糖,低熱量無負擔,補鈣好選擇!

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    藥品必要資訊包含:產品編號、批號、健保碼,管制藥品許可證號,健保價格與藥價甲調查表. 藥業資料E化降低人工作業,資訊整合提高反應時效,作業流程標準化,解決藥業特殊 行業別特性管理

  4. In today’s toxic environment, supplements are not simply a good idea, they are necessary. Dr. Al Sears, MD. is one of the first physicians board-certified in anti-aging medicine.

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