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  1. 澎湖縣, 中華民國 相關

  2. 提供多樣化自組旅遊活動,體驗澎湖味。秋季優惠行程限量搶購中,澎湖花火節航海王,歡迎來電洽詢. 員貝踏浪、抱礅釣魚、夜照小管等活動。秋冬優惠行程限量搶購中,歡迎來電洽詢!


  1. [台灣歷史快速接龍] Taiwan has been colonized by many different countries. 台灣被許多不同國家統治過。 To begin with, it all started from the word — Formosa. 首先,這一切是從「福爾摩沙」這個名字開始的。 In 16th century, a bunch of Portuguese sailors passed Taiwan and said "Ilha Formosa." 一幫葡萄牙水手在 16 世紀經過台灣時,說出「福爾摩沙島」。 They came, they saw, but they didn't conquer. 他們來過並看過台灣,但他們沒有佔領台灣。

  2. Taiwan, which is officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia. Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taiwan is the most populous state that is not a member of the UN with a population of over 23,500,000. 臺灣是非聯合國成員中人口密集度最高的國家,擁有超過 2350 萬人口。.

  3. 這座城市座落於中央山脈和陽明山之間的盆地,被比它佔地面積更大,但是特質上明顯不同的新北市所環繞 。. In recent decades, Taipei has busily transformed itself into one of the region's most livable cities and into one of Asia's premier travel destinations. 近幾十年來,台北快速轉型為最 ...

  4. 中華臺北首次出現在 1984 年冬奧會上,是中華民國(或我在本視頻中稱之為臺灣)的被迫改名。 Here's the real Taiwanese flag, and here is what you get at the Olympics. 這是真正的臺灣國旗,這是奧運會上的臺灣國旗。 This flag is only waived for sports. 這面旗幟只有在體育比賽中才會被免除。 How did this happen? 怎麼會這樣? Why is Taiwan, Chinese Taipei, in the Olympics? 為什麼中國臺北會參加奧運會?

  5. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, is situated at the country's northern tip. 台灣的首都台北,位於這個國家的北端。. The city sits in a basin between the Central and Yangming Mountains, and is surrounded by the larger, but quite distinct, New Taipei City. 台北市座落於中央山脈與陽明山之間的盆地,四周圍繞著面積 ...

  6. 今天,我們將重點關注語言,但同樣的情況也可以在生物學或考古學中找到。. Meaning these differences that span the globe occurred relatively recently, less than 4000 years ago. 就像你比你的表弟和你的表兄弟更接近像是你的兄弟,而不是一個班圖族人像是你的兄弟. Anthropologically, in ...

  7. Since a number of groups in Taiwan want to establish independence, this law could cause a military showdown between the two countries, something Taiwan is eager to avoid. At the same time, many in Taiwan are content with the status quo of mutually denying each other’s legitimacy.