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  1. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。

  2. 影片播放. Sleep actually enhances your memory and it refreshes your learning ability. 睡眠其實能增強你的記憶力,它能刷新你的學習能力。. You need sleep after learning to essentially hit the save button on those new. 你需要睡覺後,學會基本上點擊保存按鈕的那些新的。. memories, so that you don't ...

  3. 你的核心體溫會升高 0.5℃,90 分鐘後會降至正常體溫。. The core body temperature tends to go down for the amount it went up, so it'll go down even more after all. 體溫升高多少,核心體溫就會下降多少,所以,它終究會下降得更多。. Because of this higher temperature drop, it has a greater relaxing ...

  4. 任何形式的光線都會對誘導睡眠的激素「褪黑素」的產生產生抑制作用,尤其是明亮的人造燈光,如電視、電腦或智能手機的燈光。 So cutting down on these an hour or two before going to bed will help your body get ready to fall asleep. 所以,在睡覺前一兩個小時減少這些,會幫助你的身體做好入睡的準備。 But if you can't stay away from your phone that long then make sure you keep the brightness down. 但如果你不能離開手機那麼久,那麼一定要把亮度調低。

  5. Each year, the average American loses 11 days worth of productivity from lack of sleep. 每年,一般美國人會因睡眠不足而喪失 11 天的生產力。. This sleepiness can lead to memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and lack of motivation. 這種睡意會導致記憶力喪失、難以專注和缺乏動力。. The average adult ...

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  6. You can never have enough of it, it seems. 感覺好像睡多久都嫌不夠。 In fact, sometimes it literally feels like you aren't getting enough. 事實上,身體狀況有時反應你真的沒睡飽。 But what if you stopped sleeping altogether? 那如果乾脆不睡覺呢? Strangely, science understands relatively little about why we sleep or how it evolved in the first place. 說也奇怪,科學對於睡眠的成因及演變解釋得很少。

  7. Because your body is coming out of a deep sleep, motor dexterity is decreased while grogginess and the longing to go back to sleep increases. 因為身體從深層睡眠中醒過來,運動敏捷度會降低,而無力感和渴望回去睡覺的感受則升高。 Many people falsely deem naps non-beneficial for themselves, but the truth is, they have simply napped too long. 很多人誤以為午睡沒有好處,但事實上,他們只是睡太久了。