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  1. Fat-free is better than full fat. 不含脂肪比全脂更好。 Let's start with something that most people consider to be a no-brainer. 讓我們從大多數人認為是想都不用想的一個概念開始。 Low-fat and fat-free foods are always the healthier choice, right? 低脂肪和無脂肪的食物永遠都是比較健康的選擇,對吧? Well, when it comes to certain meat and dairy products, yes. 在某些肉類和奶製品上確實是如此。

  2. 雞肉蛋白質含量高,脂肪含量低,是保持肌肉品質的最佳選擇,同時還有助於實現減肥目標。 The rice cooked with salmon flakes adds extra protein in Omega -3 fatty acids to the meal as well as some additional flavor and texture .

  3. 他們發現,採用脂肪、糖和碳水化合物的傳統美國飲食的人,其皮質醇水平比吃更多水果、蔬菜、全穀物和多元不飽和脂肪的人要得多。 So an anti - inflammatory diet can counteract the impact of cortisol .

  4. 食物上無害的蛋白質敏感性,最常見的是牛奶、雞蛋 wheat , soy , peanuts , tree nuts , fish , or shellfish . 小麥、大豆、花生、堅果、魚或貝類。

  5. 蛋白質會促進大量化學物質酪酪肽釋出,這種物質會傳到大腦並抑制飢餓感。 Simply adding 10% more protein to your food can keep you full much longer . 光是在飲食中增加 10% 蛋白質攝取,就可以維持更久的飽足感。

  6. Focus on lean protein, healthy fats and non-processed, unrefined carbohydrates such as vegetables, beans, whole grains and fruit. 多吃精益蛋白質、健康脂肪,和未加工、精煉過的碳水化合物,例如蔬菜、豆類、全麥和水果。. Simply put, a hundred calories of jelly beans is not equal to 100 calories of natural ...

  7. 這會讓你減少食用加工食品和速食,它們往往有較高含量的鈉和脂肪 Healthy , low - fat recipes and guidance are available in bookstores and on the internet . 健康的低脂菜單或指南在書店和網路皆唾手可得

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