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  1. 統計處公布今年首季就業人士月入數據,數據顯示,港人最新就業收入中位數為21,400元,按年上升1,100元。. 當中男性就業每月就業收入中位數24,000元,女性為20,000元,兩者相差4,000元. 月入中位數最高的行業類別前3位分別是,「金融及保險」、「公共行政、社會 ...

  2. 最新職業洞察. All Insights. Initiating a new career journey or advancing in your professional life requires more than just luck; it demands strategic planning and access to the right opportunities. At HKGoodJobs, we understand the significance of this journey, and we're here to be your trusted partner every step of the way.

  3. Explore Top Employment Opportunities in Hong Kong. Hong Kong stands as a beacon of opportunity in the heart of Asia, a city where ambition meets innovation. With its unique blend of Eastern and Western influences, it offers a job market as diverse as its culture.

  4. 在我們的搵工網中你可以找到零售、酒店、醫療等領域的不同職位空缺。. 這些職位都可以讓前線員工與客戶互動,讓你助公司在客戶心中留下深刻印象。. Frontline roles are the backbone of customer service, playing a pivotal role in shaping the overall customer experience. At HKGoodJobs, we ...

  5. HKGoodJobs HKGoodJobs is a leading Job Seeking & Recruitment Platform, featuring full-time/part-time/intern job vacancies in Hong Kong. Come and join us now. 企業招聘 / 請人

  6. HKGoodJobs HKGoodJobs是NO.1 社交求職搵工網站,提供專業招聘及獵頭服務,擁有大量創新創意或高端職位,助你尋找各地域知識型全職及兼職工作,並提供職場資訊,科技知識、工作智慧等,為高效率的請人招聘平台 行業 / 薪酬資訊

  7. HKGoodJobs HKGoodJobs is a leading Job Seeking & Recruitment Platform, featuring full-time/part-time/intern job vacancies in Hong Kong. Come and join us now. About Us Show