Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Tokyo Women’ s Medical University originated from Tokyo Women’ s Medical School, which was commenced in 1900. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College ...

  2. 新宿区。 医学部、看護学部、看護専門学校のキャンパスライフや国際交流、入学案内、入試情報など、東京女子医科大学に関する情報を掲載しています。

  3. 前の記事. 次の記事. 活動実績. Medical Excellence TAIWANとは、2021年9月30日に台湾衛生福利部(政府)の後押しを受けて、設立された民間組織で、台湾の医療・ヘルスケア産業の国際交流促進を目的として事業を進めており、台湾の医療機関、業界団...

  4. Tokyo Women’s Medical University has developed from Tokyo Women’s Medical School and has produced many female physicians who have contributed to our society. Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine was established in 1950. Tokyo Women’s Medical College was established in 1952.Then, in 1998, the School of Nursing was added.

  5. 選抜方法. 志望理由書、自己評価書、出身学校長の推薦書、調査書など提出された全ての書類及び思考力試験、小論文、受験生による小グループ討論、面接試験の成績を総合し、合格者を決定します。 面接試験の評価により医師としての適性を欠くと判断された場合は、思考力試験、小論文、小グループ討論の成績にかかわらず不合格とします。 5. 試験科目. ・思考力試験 (文章、データ等を示して読解、分析、判断の能力を評価する) ・小論文. ・面接試験. ・受験生による小グループ討論. 6. 試験日.

  6. In order to nurture medical professionals who can promote research in medical sciences and make further benecial contributions to medical sciences and society, we have established the Graduate School of Medical Science (usually a 4-year doctoral course and a 3-year course for exceptional cases).The Ph.D. degree is given to students who have ...

  7. Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine underwent a multifaceted medical education assessment by the Japan Accreditation Council for Medical Education (JACME) in November 2019 and was accredited as meeting the global standards in June 2020.