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  1. 艾草蚊香 相關

  2. 一點檸檬的香甜、艾草、香茅的清涼感、淡淡的檜木氣息,艾草檜木蚊香,防蚊同時享受林間嗅覺饗宴. 最怕半夜開燈打蚊子,艾草檜木蚊香,淡淡草本香氣,不怕臭味熏天,一盒可用160小時,日日都好眠

  3. 採用原木,純手工製作-老料水沉臥香/降真臥香/檀香臥香等現貨供應!敬神/禮佛/淨化/靜心佳. 在地60年老字號傳承三代手藝,採用世界各種香木製造,自然健康無負擔,歡迎參觀選購


  1. Artemisia princeps, also commonly called yomogi, Japanese mugwort, Korean wormwood, Korean mugwort or wormwood in English, is an Asian plant species in the sunflower family, native to China, Japan and Korea. It is a perennial, very vigorous plant that grows to 1.2 meters., very vigorous plant that grows to 1.2 meters.

  2. Artemisia rhaetica Brügger. Artemisia absinthium, otherwise known as common wormwood, is a species of Artemisia native to North Africa and temperate regions of Eurasia, [4] and widely naturalized in Canada and the northern United States. [5] It is grown as an ornamental plant and is used as an ingredient in the spirit absinthe and some other ...

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