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  1. B群什麼時候吃 相關

  2. BHK's維他命B群發泡錠,擊退疲累、迅速滋補,一錠補充元氣滿檔,無糖、無咖啡因,低熱量無負擔。 元氣冒泡,速攻補給配方!BHK's維他命B群發泡錠,添加鎂、足量B群,高效率能量補給,喝出活力!

    • BHK’s 孕婦系列


      眾多孕媽咪一致推薦 熱烈迴響!

    • BHK’s 基礎系列

      專業藥師嚴格把關 榮獲國際肯定

      健康與活力的第一選擇 全方位照顧

    • BHK’s 美顏系列



    • BHK’s 美型系列

      美麗體態小幫手, 立刻打造窈窕曲線



  1. 1. Especially in UK. A commonly used term for any meal eaten in late morning or early afternoon, as the first meal of the day, serving simultaneously as both breakfast and lunch. Meals typically eaten as brunch include a fry-up, cheese on toast, pancakes or ...

  2. 2009年12月14日 · It's the equivalent of a rub and tug, but between two male friends © 1999-2024 Urban Dictionary ®

  3. 2021年11月14日 · Food or drink poisoned by the Zog (zionist occupied government) Only fit for consumption by bugman soycels Food or drink poisoned by the Zog (zionist occupied government) Only fit for consumption by bugman soycels

  4. 2022年2月28日 · When someone serving you up a whole lot of nothing. All they are doing is talking and you do not care. When someone serving you up a whole lot of nothing. All they are doing is

  5. 2017年3月19日 · A large group of Asian people. A collective noun to describe such group. Like a pride of lions or litter of kittens. A large group of Asian people. A collective noun to describe such group. Like a pride of lions or litter of kittens.

  6. 2017年6月20日 · When you're playing League of Legends and your teammates go 0/10 Not being a team player. A selfish act where what you're doing is helping (ie: feeding) yourself or the enemy, either on purpose or by being a noob, sacrificing the entire teams potential.

  7. 2003年11月17日 · Displaying great strength

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