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  1. 2022年6月20日 · Train operation status. 2022/06/20 12:43 集集線 : 天然災變 Detailed information. 2024/05/08 11:58 深澳線 : 邊坡改善工程 Detailed information.

  2. 線上訂票. 列車時刻/車次查詢.

  3. Click “ Train Numbers” for details about the train stops and each departure time. The time listed with the terminal station is showed as arrival time. Fares and Types

  4. Taiwan Railway. Taiwan's trains go through big cities and small towns, providing passengers with a safe and comfortable travel experience. There are several types of passenger trains, such as intercity, Fuxing, Juguang and Ziqiang. Depending on time, budget and destination, visitors are free to make a choice.

  5. The railway stations in Taiwan are generally located in the city centers, making it very easy to get around upon arrival. Overall length of Taiwan railways: 2,025 km. Types of Taiwanese trains: local and intercity trains. Number of Taiwan high-speed routes sold on Rail Ninja: 8+. Fastest train of Taiwan rail: 300 km/h.

  6. Continued to be included in the "Taiwan Sustainability Index" constituent stocks, demonstrating that the company is maintaining E (environment), S (society) and G (governance) sustainability. More news. Train Operation Status.

  7. 莒光號每人每公里1.75元。 自強號:每人每公里2.27元。 山海線計價方式: 由竹南以北各站至彰化以南各站或由彰化以南各站至竹南以北各站之票價,一律按經由山線之里程計算。 由竹南以北或彰化以南各站至山、海線各站或由山、海線各站至竹南以北或彰化以南各站之票價。 一律 按最短里程計算。 由山線各站至海線各站,或由海線各站至山線各站之票價,一律按列車行駛方向實際里程計算。 自強3000騰雲座艙票價計費方式敬請參考票價試算。 (起碼里程為50公里計價,售票系統不予發售未達50公里之騰雲座艙車票。 成人票價按乘車區間營業里程乘票價率計算之。

  8. 系統正式開放時間:每天上午0:00至下午24:00止。 可訂票張數. 預約訂票每人 (身分證字號)每乘車日最多可預訂6張乘車票。 以來回票方式同時訂票,一次最多可預訂12張 (去回程各6張)。 以雙行程及三行程預約訂票每人 (身分證字號)每乘車日相同方向最多仍限預訂6張乘車票。 本公司訂票系統提供車票張數預訂並同時選擇票種,如須變更票種,於取票時告知窗口售票員或網路付款、超商取票直接重新選擇即可。 訂購自強號-普悠瑪列車「桌型座位」,乘車日前3天以上,一次限預訂4張,乘車日(含)3天以內,可預訂1至4張。 身分證輸入. 訂票網頁中文版輸入身分證字號者,因會查核身分證字號編碼邏輯,僅可以中華民國國民身分證號輸入。 僑胞及外籍人士等無身分證字號者,請在訂票網頁輸入護照號碼或居留證號碼訂票。

  9. 24小時緊急通報電話:1933(市話、手機,僅限發現軌道、平交道、橋樑及隧道等有障礙物之通報專用) 客服電話(一般服務諮詢及旅客申訴):0800-765-888(限市話)02-2191-0096(市話、手機) 公司電話:(02)2381-5226(總機)

  10. 2024年6月15日 · Located at the central hub of Taiwan’s round-the-island railway, the railway system of Taipei City connects eastern and western Taiwan while providing safe and comfortable services. Its biggest station, Taipei Main Station, is an underground union station of Taiwan Railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail and Taipei Metro.

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