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  1. 慶祝 Minecraft 15 週年!6 月 15 之前在 Minecraft 週年慶特賣消費,即享所有遊戲五折優惠,還有 15 天大放送免費贈品和收藏桌布。

  2. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Watch the ...

  3. Browse servers based on game type, play style, and more. Chance is there’s a server listed for you – regardless of age or the way you play. Gain access to amazing Minecraft servers using the Minecraft Server Download. Set up multi-player servers today by following the detailed instructions provided.

  4. 观看预告片. 探索自己独一无二世界,挺过漫漫长夜,并创建您能想象一切! 观看上面 Minecraft 游戏示例视频,或选择“观看预告片”,在 YouTube 上观看完整视频。 了解更多. Minecraft Dungeons. Minecraft Legends. Minecraft Education. 最新消息. 查看全部新闻. 需要重新下载? 已拥有游戏,但需要启动器? 在寻找 Linux 发行版或服务器文件? 请查看“下载”页面。 前往“下载” 改变游戏,由你做主! 无论您想更可爱、更有趣还是更显混乱特质皮肤,总有一款附加包适合您。 大量免费及付费附加包任您挑选。 探索附加包. 收藏品. Minecraft 世界浩瀚无垠,为何使其超越方块界限?

  5. Minecraft 2009 只有 32 个方块可用于建造,还涵盖所有原始错误和只有老一辈人才会喜欢界面,但它比我们记忆中样子更加光彩夺目!. 畅玩 Minecraft Classic. 庆祝 Minecraft 15 周年!. 于 6 月 15 日前参与 Minecraft 周年庆促销活动,尽情购物,所有游戏均享 50% 优惠 ...

  6. The Minecraft 15th Anniversary Collection is here! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th birthday in fitting attire, we’re releasing a very special, limited-edition collection of merch in a variety of styles and never-before-seen designs, exclusive to the Minecraft Shop.

  7. Explore Minecraft alternative downloads and play the Jave Edition on your device today. Play, build, and explore Minecraft on your phone, PC or console.

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