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  1. Try to become rich by making the right decisions! Only the biggest investor can get money out of each company. You must try to read the next steps of your rivals and use your capital and your three hidden cards to win against them and become the biggest shareholder!

    • (4.6K)
  2. 2010年10月1日 · The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  3. The Tea-Horse Road — a network of paths and roads leading through the jungles of Yunnan, across the steppes of Sichuan, and over the peaks of the Himalaya — is the traditional travel route of the tea traders. In Yunnan, players control the fate of their tea dynasties.

  4. Agricola is a turn-based game. There are 14 game rounds occurring in 6 stages, with a Harvest at the end of each stage (after Rounds 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14). Each player starts with two playing tokens (farmer and spouse) and thus can take two turns, or actions, per round.

  5. During Battles, 1 to 4 players must cooperate to defeat 1 giant Primordial boss-type monster controlled by a sophisticated AI system. Outside of Battles, Aeon Trespass: Odyssey uses choice chain and choice matrix mechanics to track your decisions throughout the game.

  6. 2024年8月4日 · Dune: Imperium – Uprising. The Great Houses of the Imperium live and die by their lineage. Plots unfold over generations as Emperors build dynasties, and the Bene Gesserit weave prophecy into reality.

  7. Red Rising is a hand-management, combo-building game for 1-6 players (45-60 minute playing time). You start with a hand of 5 cards, and on your turn you will deploy 1 of those cards to a location on the board, activating that card’s deploy benefit.

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