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  1. ❗ 高溫資訊

    • 各地天氣高溫炎熱,明(28)日臺北市、桃園市、新竹縣、臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣、雲林縣、嘉義縣、臺南市、高雄市、屏東縣為橙色燈號,有連續出現36度高溫的機率,請加強注意。新北市、嘉義市為黃色燈號,請注意。

      發布時間:06/27 17:30

  2. Primal: the Awakening is a fully cooperative monster hunting miniature boardgame for 1-4 players set in a fantasy world where humans struggle to survive an untamed wilderness.

  3. The definitive source for tabletop games. Find millions of ratings, reviews, videos, photos, and more from our community.

  4. In Weather Machine, you are scientists on Prof. Lativ’s team, tampering with local weather: adjusting rainfall for farms, maintaining wind and clear skies for ecological energy sources, and tweaking the temperature for resorts and sporting events.

  5. Fulfill your quest to leave your legacy! Plan and build a modern, scientifically managed zoo to support conservation projects. Build an intergalactic empire through trade, research, conquest and grand politics. Influence, intrigue, and combat in the universe of Dune. Compete with rival CEOs to make Mars habitable and build your corporate empire.

  6. Incohearent is the adult party game by What Do You Meme that will get you talking! Let the laughs begin as you compete to make sense out of gibberish from one of three categories — kinky, party and pop culture.

  7. Each hex is 100 miles and covers the entire Pacific from Hawaii to India and Alaska to Australia. The game will also come with a separate map focused on the Solomon Islands where many of the interesting and balanced scenarios occur. What made Victory Games' Pacific War unique in 1985 remains true in GMT’s 2020 edition.

  8. Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs is a solo play game, with an original campaign story written by Isaac Childres, that features a playstyle similar to Gloomhaven in a fraction of the size.