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  1. Description. Jack Kloppenburg: “The specific mechanism Michaels goes on to propose is a “ General Public License for Plant Germplasm (GPLPG)” that is explicitly modeled on the GPL developed by the FOSS movement for software. For Michaels, creating the GPLPG involves a straightforward adaptation of the GPL.

  2. The DNS, or Domain Name System, is in effect the telephone directory of Internet sites. Each time you enter a Web address, or URL—, let’s say—the DNS looks up the IP address where the site can be found. IP addresses are numbers separated by dots—for example,’s is If the DNS is instructed to ...

  3. Drawing on established health literature, this paper innovates by linking an analysis of world consumption to life outcome data, all from current World Bank datasets, to derive such a poverty line, termed here the Ethical Poverty Line (epl). The epl is comparable to

  4. Predistribution. A term coined by Yale political scientist Jacob Hacker, pre-distribution focuses on market reforms to stimulate a more democratic distribution of economic power before government enforces redistributional strategies through taxes or benefits.

  5. 2013年3月2日 · The One People's Public Trust (OPPT) was used to establish the legal foundation for re-gaining individual legal sovereignty within the current framework. In-depth investigation by the OPPT (and others before) have led to the conclusion that all corporations (including governments as corporations) are based on commercial law.

  6. Description. "The MultiCapital Scorecard (MCS) is a free and open-source management tool (a public good) that organizations can use to measure, manage and report their performance in a fully integrated (Triple Bottom Line) way.

  7. Broadly speaking, connected learning refers to the increasingly complex ways in which young people’s learning ecologies are evolving. It is the notion that, in addition to happening anytime and anywhere, learning happens across the many different networks that teens’ navigate.

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