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  1. 房貸試算表 excel 相關

  2. 不限屋齡坪數地段,最高可貸房價9成!免出門線上即可知貸款額度,高出銀行可貸成數! 高過件率、免代辦費,只要有房就可申貸,讓愛屋變現填補資金缺口,立即線上免費評估!

    • 成功案例



    • 免費估價



  3. 想知道房子可以貸多少錢?玉山銀行提供專業線上服務,讓您3步驟免費試算方案,同步查詢周邊房價. 限時特惠,線上貸款成數最高8成,簡單3步驟免費試算,24小時隨時隨地皆可線上申貸!

  4. 高過件率x超低利率!最高可貸200萬、24小時快速放款、可寬限至7年,解除錢關警報,預約諮詢Go! 救急好幫手!工作滿3個月/有薪轉/扣繳記錄,滿足其一即可貸,24小時免費服務專線,立即諮詢!


  1. After I’ve found it, (2) notes that, to be useful, I need to be able to play with the data. Consequently, I need to be able to pull or download it in a useful format (e.g. an API, subscription feed, or a documented file). Citizens need data in a form that lets them mash it

  2. Description. 1. by Peter Hayward, Joseph Voros, Sohail Inayatullah: "The Sarkar Game is a foresight role-playing game designed to glean insight into social reality and help players discover other ways of knowing, thus to better understand and appreciate alternative futures. The Sarkar Game specifically helps players (individuals and ...

    • Warning: Kiva Does Not Really Practice Peer to Peer Donations
    • Guy Kawasaki on Lessons Learned
    • The 'Real P2P Plan' of 2012
    • More Information

    NYT: "Kiva, a nonprofit organization, promoted itself as a link between small individual lenders and small individual borrowers like Maryjane Cruz in the Philippines, who recently sought a $625 loan to support her family’s farm. But Mr. Roodman’s blog post said that lenders like Mr. Kristof were not making direct loans. Borrowers like Ms. Cruz alre...

    "Guy Kawasaki, in his blog has highlighted 6 points that we can learn from Kiva, one of the most successful, non-profit p2p funding organization. Here’re his points; 1. Create meaningful partnerships. Most entrepreneurs create partnerships to impress investors, journalists, customers, and parents. Hence, most partnership as bull shiitake. The best ...

    "Microlending website Kiva’s original proposition was simple: Make an interest-free loan to someone who no bank will touch. The site, which launched in 2005, became wildly popular, as people gleefully gave a few dollars to struggling businesspeople in the developing world, and then saw that business grow and had their money repaid. But many lenders...

    mesoloans = Mezzanine Finance
    Open-source based software support for microfinance projects, at
    Is Kiva Misleading the Public? (by Sean Stannard-Stockton, from Tactical Philanthropy Advisors)
  3. In most cases the only software tool support consists of excel-templates for calculations. A second generation of methods was published between 2008 and 2010, following extensive research funding from the European Community.

  4. Mutual Coordination. Key hypothesis: What market pricing is to capitalism and planning is to state-based production, mutual coordination (i.e. Stigmergy) is to commons-based peer production! Please check out our report P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival, for the vision of the P2P Foundation, as well as the Cosmo-Local Reader for practical ...

  5. And mobilize a team to activate it. 7 balance sheets The seven balance sheets are: Earth, Material/Financial, Processes, Emotions, Communication, Knowledge, Common good. 1. The balance sheet “Earth” On the liability side calculate everything taken from the earth: resources, CO2 impact, water, air, pollution.

  6. Description. 0. "Time banking is a values-based mechanism for reciprocal service-exchange that focuses on the contributions everyone can make to meeting needs within a local community. The value of all services in time banking is equal. The unit of exchange and account is simply the hours spent giving or receiving service.

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