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  1. 資料時間:2024/06/01

  2. 2021年9月22日 · This article shows how to set up a minimal Kubernetes local lab dev env with the shiny new Rancher Cluster Manager 2.6 on your Macbook using k3d (backed by k3s) to set up a Kubernetes cluster.

    • Jason Yee
  3. 2023年3月6日 · Popular answers include: Always use limits! NEVER use limits, only requests! I don’t use either; is it OK? Let’s dive into it. In Kubernetes, you have two ways to specify how much CPU a pod can use: Requests are usually used to determine the average consumption. Limits set the max number of resources allowed.

  4. 2023年10月10日 · There were several questions on how to configure Cloud Endure (now called AWS Application Migration Service and Disaster Recovery Service) for DR. My journey for the last 9 certifications began December 2022 and I finished March 1, 2023. Once I passed SAP on AWS, I was excited for the golden jacket.

  5. 2020年3月3日 · Roslyn is a set of compilers, code analysis API for .NET languages. It is also a scripting API for runtime execution dynamic code runtime. Of course, not all of the platforms support scripting APIs because it requires desktop .NET Framework 4.6+, or .NET Core 1.1 (supported since Roslyn v2.0.0-rc3, Visual Studio 2017 RC3).

  6. Set up a development environment on Windows (using WSL 2 and X Server) and run Intellij Idea on it and then compare its performance with Windows 10 native installation.