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  1. URL = Description "The APA Funk was founded in december 2008 by profissionals and friends of the music style FUNK, tired of experiencing ...

  2. Tribal Convergence Network - P2P Foundation. Tribal Convergence Network. = TCN is a synergistic web of social architects aligning with conscious individuals and organizations. We develop sustainable and generative whole systems design templates to cultivate harmonious alliances and collaborative interdependent communities.

  3. Description. "Welcome to r0g, the collaborative agency for open culture, art and critical transformation currently being formed in Berlin Germany. The agency, initiated by Stephen Kovats, with a team of friends and colleagues including Ela Kagel, Micz Flor and Therese Breyer, is currently being set up. We’ve recently wrapped up our third ...

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    1. Blair Fix: "Speaking of Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler, their work will be an important part of this blog. One hot summer with no air conditioning, I read their seminal book Capital as Power. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this book changed my life. It made me realize that most concepts in mainstream economics are built on a foundati...

    Orsan Senalp: "Jonathan Nitzan, Shimshon Bichler's concept of 'Capital as Power' (A Study of Order and Creorder) is in accordance with Alexander Bogdanov's ideas which allows an alaternative conception of 'social class' which is determined by insetead of the position of its memebers with regard to the forces of production (ownership or non-ownershi...

    A new definition of capital

    By Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan: "We start with capital. Contemporary students of capitalism, hamstrung by nineteenth-century biases, continue to think of accumulation in the ‘material’ terms of labor, production and consumption. In our opinion, this emphasis has become insufficient and misleading. Over the past century, capital has grown increasingly politicized in nature and financial in form. ‘Free competition’ and the formal separation of ‘state’ and ‘capital’ — where they existed...

    The new characteristics of capital accumulation

    By Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan: We need "an alternative conceptualization of capital, understood not as a material entity but as a power institution. What gets accumulated, we argue, is neither ‘utility’ nor ‘dead labor,’ but financial claims on expected future earnings. These expected earnings, in turn,represent neither the ‘marginal productivity’ of capital nor ‘surplus value,’ butthe way capitalists view the future structure of power in society. A power understanding of accumulati...

    Dominant Capital and the New Wars. By Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan. Journal of World-Systems Research, 10(2), 255-327, 2004. doi

  4. Bio "Morshed Mannan is a Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute. His research focuses on blockchain governance, particularly within the ERC project ‘BlockchainGov’, and more ...

  5. The three principal types of culture integrations -Ideational, Idealistic, and Sensate-never exist in pure form; they are ideal types. In recognition of this Sorokin adds a Mixed category. Actually there are only two polar types of culture mentalities, the Ideational and the Sensate. The Idealistic is a mixed type combining the virtues of the ...

  6. The Open Value Network (OVN) model describes a blend between the 3 arrangements mentioned above, mostly coordination and some collaboration. No one works for anyone else. All labor is transferred into fluid equity through a value accounting system, which grants ownership to the participant member to a percentage of the future revenue generated ...

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