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  1. On the expo floor of the Connectivity Week conference in Santa Clara, Calif., on Tuesday, Scholten plans to show off a demo of the project’s first application built on OpenLynx: a smart meter reading service implemented in 26 commercial buildings by a company in Washington, D.C. Scholten told us after a roundtable talk on Monday that this ...

    • Definition
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    "The "internet of things" is a concept that describes a wireless network between objects. In a way, it parallels the current network of addressable web pages (aka the "world wide web"), except "the internet of things" would include addressable inanimate objects that could be anything from your home's refrigerator to the shoes on your feet."(http://...

    Chris Dew: "The Internet of Things is the foundational intelligent infrastructure of the new economy — integrating a Communications Internet, Energy Internet and Logistics Internet into a single IoT operating system. Hundreds of billions of consumer products will eventually be connected to the internet and to one another, feeding real-time data to ...

    Excerpted from an overview by Sarah Perez: (full article and links ) 1. With a Tikitag starter kit and some client software, you can program your own RFID tags so that they can do anything you want them to do. What's great about Tikitag's tags is that you don't need a specialized RFID reader in order to scan them - they're compatible with third par...

    Build-out and Financing of an IoT Infrastructure

    Chris Dew: "The build-out of an IoT infrastructure will be carried out and phased in over the next several decades. According to one study, carried out by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), a US based non-profit energy think tank, the cost of phasing in a national Energy Internet over 20 years is estimated between $17 to $24 billion per year, or about $476 billion in total — roughly equivalent to the $470 billion annual revenue of Royal Dutch Shell for 2011. However, the EPRI estim...

    The Internet of Things You Don't Own

    "Scott Johnson: " it will subtly redefine ownership as we know it. You will no longer own many of the most expensive and sophisticated items you possess. You may think you own them. But you’ll be wrong. They say “possession is nine-tenths of the law,” but even if you physically and legally own a Smart Thing, you won’t actually control it. Ownership will become a three-legged stool: who physically owns a thing; who legally owns it; …and who has the ultimate power to command it. Who, in short,...

    IoT as a ideology

    Justin McGuirk: "To say that the internet of things is an ideology is to suggest that the use-value of the concept has yet to be sold to the consumer. It is easily mocked by skeptical hacks who question the need for talking fridges and washing machines that you can program with your smartphone (“You still need to put the clothes in yourself, right?”). Bruce Sterling argues that the internet of things has nothing to do with the consumer and everything to do with the business interests of the s...

    Report 1: Rob van Kranenburg

    Report: Rob van Kranenburg, The Internet of Things. A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID. Report prepared by Rob van Kranenburg for the Institute of Network Cultures with contributions by Sean Dodson. URL = (Series =)

    Report 2: OECD Report

    1. Report: Machine-to-Machine Communication: Connecting Billions of Device. OECD, 2012 URL = "To outline what still needs to be done, and give governments a framework for understanding how 50 billion devices could be connected in the next 8 years, the OECD has released a report laying out the needs of an M2M network and the tradeoffs associated wtih different technologies. It offers a few interesting use cases, as well, although the f...

    Open Source Hardware for getting your objects connected:
    Fly Port (Open Picus)
    Arduino Ethernet Shield
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