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    御劍神都3D重磅網遊巨製 即刻下载來玩. SSS級小說授權改編 為熱愛而生.進遊一統仙魔江湖...

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    我的網頁解決方案為您量身訂製。免費架設網站和商店。 支持多語言,社群媒體整合,SEO友好,移動友好,自訂域名,自訂表單等功能。專業級跨境SaaS架站系統。


  1. The codebase is orphaned, but some amazing games could be build if new developers were found. Wikipedia states that the code, now hosted at BitBucket, is under GPL, and the game data is proprietary. There are Debian packages but not sure which repo, so that doesn't help. 3D Constructor.

  2. " This is an interactive tutorial exploring the conditions for success and failure of cooperative behavior in two simple evolutionary games: the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Snowdrift game (the latter is also known as the Hawk-Dove or Chicken game).

    • Introduction
    • Resources
    • Various Links

    These pages cover metaverses, 3D worlds and trends, and immersive gaming worlds, as well as Play Ethic developments. See Pat Kane's summary of the Impact of Play on Business Organization To put the trend toward P2P-based virtual worlds into the context of gaming developments, please read this introductionby Gwendal Simon. Check out the typology of ...

    Key Articles

    1. Games as P2P Utopia: Alexander Galloway on the World of Warcraft and Utopia 2. Game Modding and Education: excerpts of a thesis on using entertainment for eduction, that goes beyond the failed edutainment model. 3. The Power of Play: essay by Pat Kane for Soundings magazine. In conversation with Ephemara in Dialoguing Play 4. Play Struggle, excerpts of the book Hacking Capitalismby Johan Soderbergh. 5. Considering Participatory Design and Governance in Player Culture by T.L. Taylor: Player...

    Key Blogs

    1. The Play Ethic blog of Pat Kane. Watch or listen to Pat Kane on the Play Ethic 2. Terra Nova is "a blog about virtual worlds and their implications." (Academic) game research and virtual worlds in general. 3. GameTunnel is "the web's home for independent video games." Other indie game sites linkedat the bottom of the main page. 4. The Second Loop: on the interaction between real-life and our avatars 5. Game Politics: "where...

    Key Books

    1. Bernie DeKoven explains Coliberation strategies in his book The Well-Played Game 2. Pat Kane. The Play Ethic 3. Pat Kane reviews the books Synthetic Worlds and Second Lives 4. McKenzie Wark, whose Hacker Manifesto is a classic for our times, has published a new draft book open for discussion, on Gamer Theory 5. Ed Halter's book, From Sun Tzu to Xbox"a definitive history of the longstanding relationship between games and military culture, from wargaming's roots in ancient civilizations, to...

  3. Wamotopia is a testing ground for Prototype Society. Each gathering of Wamians could be the start of incubating a prototype society. Our era demands coordinated efforts to confront systemic societal issues, creating new mechanisms and solutions.

  4. The Assurance Game Definition The Assurance Game is “a situation where neither player can provide a sufficient amount of the good if they contribute alone, thus for each player, if the other Defects then she should also Defect, but if the other Cooperates then she ...

  5. Breathing Games is a global open access commons promoting respiratory and mental health, and health commons. History. The initiative started in 2014 in Montreal, as a graduate project to prototype games for children with cystic fibrosis.

  6. When the employer is measuring productivity, he/she plays a cooperative game if he/she has a ticker at the door that tracks when the employee walks in and out. However, if the employer can’t verify the quality of work or effort put in, then the game is non-cooperative. In technology jobs, and inside startups especially, it’s often difficult ...