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  1. 特斯拉概念股2020 相關

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  1. Katharina Pistor: "This Article explores data as a source and, in their processed variant, as a means of governance that will likely replace both markets and the law. Discussing data not as an object of transactions or an object of governance, but as a tool for governing others on a scale that rivals that of nation states with their law."

    • Introduction
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    1. Michel Bauwens Why I endorse this approach, i.e. Multicapitalism is a vital ingredient of Post-Capitalism: The multi-capitalist approach, which must not be mis-understood as 'pricing nature': "It is true that multicapitalism is still beholden to the human vs nature dichotomy, BUT, I would argue that this will always remain a operative distinctio...

    Excerpted from the Executive Summary, by Bill Baue: "The paradigm shift from Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism is necessary, inevitable, and already well underway. This White Paper lays out the fatal flaws of the existing Monocapitalism paradigm, then outlines the historical, conceptual, and practical foundations of Multicapitalism in order to unde...

    Source: The Big Sustainability Illusion "to-do-list that data & information needs to contribute to:"

    OnCommons gGmbh/ r3.0 Alexanderstrasse 7, 10178 Berlin, Germany
  2. 2017年6月26日 · Description. "Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history. Matrix defines ...

  3. The ethical and aware classical players will join first to transfer their classical store value and production assets into new assets. This is in essence a transfer of resources from the old economy into the new. As the new (generative) economy builds momentum and critical mass the other more pragmatic players will join.

  4. For chrematistics, more is always better…. In this definition of economics financial wealth does not trump the wellbeing of the community, as it is distinct from the actions a society must undertake to look after its members. The threat to our livelihoods that a fall in GDP represents is due to a conflation of economics with chrematistics.

  5. 2020年10月1日 · Jess Scully: "Taiwan’s civic hackers were organized around a leaderless collective called g0v (pronounced “gov zero.”) Many believed in radical transparency, in throwing opaque processes open to the light, and in the idea that everyone who is affected by a decision should have a say in it. They preferred establishing consensus to running ...

  6. Reporting 3.0 Platform. Global Thresholds and Allocations Council. Read their 2020 Whitepaper: From Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism: 21st Century System Value Creation [1] OnCommons gGmbh/ r3.0. Alexanderstrasse 7, 10178. Berlin, Germany. Support: Categories: P2P Accounting.

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