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  1. 2009年10月21日 · This is the difference with parallel villages. Its about fulfilment, not sustainability. Sustainable is a given, but not the goal. If we can cause such places to come into being, it makes the developer’s life much easier, as naturally we can expect very high sales demand for such homes and workplaces – especially if we can make them affordable.

    • Successfull Patterns For Social Architecture
    • Discussion
    • Gender-Biased Social Architecture

    Pieter H. : "Impossible mission. In a world filled with interesting problems, the community needs a clear, long-term, and challenging mission that stands out. The mission defines the community. The mission must capture attention quickly, and hold it for as long as it takes to grow a mature community. To attract the best people, the mission should b...

    Andrew Gent: "By environment I mean a bounded set of physical or virtual structures, functions, or events where people interact. I say "certain social behavior" because you are designing for specific interactions with the aim of achieving some goal. You are not designing a generic space where people congregate and interact in whatever way they plea...

    Pieter H.: "Fundamentally, Social Architecture rests on psychology. If you believe human behavior is socially indoctrinated, you will make a poor social architect. If you look at psychology as an evolved set of mental tools that are sharpened and polished by experience, you will do much better. Many of these tools are gender weighted, i.e. they are...

  2. Description According to the W3C Social Web Incubator Group : "The Social Web is a set of relationships that link together people over the Web. While the best known current social networking sites on the Web limit themselves to relationships between people with ...

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