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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. continuous; successive; running

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  2. 連續 的翻譯 —— 中文 (繁體)-英語詞典. on the bounce phrase UK informal. one after another with nothing else between: The team has had five wins on the bounce. 這支隊伍已獲得了五連勝。 without cease phrase formal. without stopping: The bells started ringing at midday and continued, without cease, till sunrise. 連續地.

  3. consecutive 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. adjective. uk / kənˈsek.jə.tɪv / us / kənˈsek.jə.t̬ɪv / Add to word list. C2. Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption. 連續的,連貫的,無間斷的. This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working. 這是我連續第五個週末加班。 同義詞. sequential formal. successive. 减少例句.

  4. 2021年1月28日 · continuous 的意思是指「連續不斷的、持續的」,而且這種持續是指一直持續發生的那種持續喔。 下面列出continuous 英文例句與中文意思。 例: Excellence is a continuous process; it’s not an accident. 卓越是一個連續的過程,並非偶然。 例: continuous pain. 持續的疼痛. 如果你喜歡學習各種英文文法、英文片語、口語英文、英文單字等等,歡迎追蹤全民學英文的 FB 粉絲專頁 、 Instagram ,以及 Line 官方帳號 。

  5. 連續地,連貫地,無間斷地. Tickets are numbered consecutively. 車票是連續編號的。 He got 18 months for each offence to run consecutively - three years in all. 他的每項罪行都被判18個月,連續計算——總刑期為三年。 見. consecutive. 减少例句. Number the pages of your manuscript consecutively from beginning to end. The judge ordered the sentences to be served consecutively.

  6. 【連續】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:succession繼承人,繼承權; 繼承順序; [生]自然演替; 一系列,接連;concatenation一系列互相關聯的事物;continuity連續性,繼續; 分鏡頭電影劇本; 串聯,銜接; [影視]剪輯;continuation繼續,連續,持續

  7. 形容詞. 連續的. "consecutive" 例句. Real Madrid won the UEFA Champions League for three consecutive seasons from 2016 to 2018. Roger Federer won the US open five consecutive times. 羅傑·費德勒贏得美國公開賽連續五場比賽。. For the fifth consecutive year, Finland was named the happiest country in the world in 2022 ...

  8. 你如何将“連續"翻译成英文 : consecutive, continuous, serial.例句 : 讓 我們 問問 我 的 連續 374 屆 ↔ Well, let's ask my wall of 374 consecutive employee-of-the-month awards.

  9. continual 則是指「一再的;頻繁的;反覆發生的」,常用來形容惱人的事或討厭的事。 The baseball game has been postponed indefinitely due to the continual rain this month. 因為這個月雨下個不停,所以棒球比賽只好被無限期延長。 句中的 continual rain 不是指這一個月每分每秒、無時無刻都在下雨,而是斷斷續續地下了一個月,或是下沒多久就停,停沒多久又下,就像最近的天氣一樣,讓小 V 好憂鬱啊! continually 是其副詞形,我們直接來看例句。 I cried continually when I was watching A Star Is Born.

  10. 英文翻譯 手機版. 連續作戰 continuous fighting; successive battles; consecutive operations; 連續 15年豐收 reap bumper harvests of fifteen years in succession; 連續工作8小時 work eight hours at stretch; 鈔票上有連續的號碼。. currency notes bear serial numbers. 他在第9局連續獲2分。. he scored two home runs ...

  11. 【連續的】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:sequent接續而來的;consecutive連續的,連貫的; [語]表示結果的;successive連續的,相繼的; 繼承的,接替的; 逐次;running跑步; 運轉; 流出;continuous連續的; 延伸的; 不斷的; 遍布的;。

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