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  1. 99年度警察 相關

  2. 好考的公務人員,挑戰月薪55K!薪資、錄取率、報考資格通通告訴你。 18歲以上37歲以下,給自己一次機會!薪水、錄取率、報名資格,一次告訴你


  1. "Narrated by Lou Reed, this doc looks at the wide swath of the population burned by the economic crisis, from a 22-year-old college graduate to a 92-year-old grandmother, from a Marine veteran to a police captain.

  2. The movement commonly uses the slogan We are the 99%, the #Occupy hashtag format, and organizes through websites such as Occupy Together. According to The Washington Post, the movement, which has been described as a "democratic awakening" by Cornel West, is difficult to distill to a few demands.

  3. Defunding the Police in Minneapolis By Benjamin Wallace-Wells: "Among those politicians who thought it imperative to dismantle white supremacy quickly, a natural question was how to do it. One approach, explored by the Minneapolis city council, was to allow ...

  4. 2011年11月7日 · When Milosevic refused to concede defeat to opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica, Otpor's example of disciplined nonviolence, along with its masses of activists, were crucial in convincing Serbia's security forces to defy Milosevic's orders to shoot at the protesters. On Oct. 7, the embattled president resigned. The unthinkable had happened.

  5. generic' co-production – the effort to involve local people in mutual support and the delivery of services; and. institutional' co-production of the kind advocated by Cahn. Currently this seems difficult to achieve, mainly because of institutional systems in the organisations that might benefit and because of the way public services are managed."

  6. These organizations work directly with people at the highest risk of being involved in gun violence. Using a range of tactics, from peer-to-peer outreach to public events, anti-violence CBOs operate around the clock to prevent violence and promote community healing. They live “on call” as unofficial first responders, rushing to the location ...

  7. "In today’s world, AI systems are used to decide who gets hired, the quality of medical treatment we receive, and whether we become a suspect in a police investigation. While these tools show great promise, they can also harm vulnerable and marginalized people, and threaten civil rights.