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  1. 图片. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

  2. 高考讲解. adv. 两遍,两次; 两倍. 实用场景例句. 全部. 两次. 两倍. 两遍. I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. 我跟他不熟悉,只见过两次面。 牛津词典. They go there twice a week/month/year . 他们每星期 / 每月 / 每年去那里两次。 牛津词典. a twice-monthly/yearly newsletter. 半月 / 半年刊的简讯. 牛津词典. an area twice the size of Wales. 两倍于威尔士大小的地区. 牛津词典. Cats sleep twice as much as people. 猫睡觉的时间比人长一倍。 牛津词典.

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供twist 的中文意思,twist 的用法讲解,twist 的读音,twist 的同义词,twist 的反义词,twist 的例句等英语服务。.

  4. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 He told me to think twice before speaking. 他叫我三思而后再发言. 《简明英汉词典》 I must think twice before I can promise. 在我答应之前,我必须重新考虑一下. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things. 她最好闭上嘴巴,而且今后在说出蠢话之前先过过脑子。 柯林斯例句. Before we go to work on land , however, we must think twice. 但是,在研究陆地工作之前, 必须仔细考虑.

  5. 释义. [医]每周二次. 实用场景例句. 全部. Work out at a gym or swim twice a week. 一周去健身房锻炼两次,或游两次泳。 柯林斯例句. The houseboy comes to mop our kitchen floor twice a week. 男仆每周两次到我家来拖洗厨房地板. 《简明英汉词典》 We have our English classes here twice a week. 一周我们上两次英语课. 英语晨读30分(初二) I go there twice a week as a rule. 我通常每周去那里两次. 辞典例句. She sat under him twice a week. 她一星期听他两次课. 辞典例句.

  6. 一对. 两个的. 我同. 第二. May I borrow it for a day or two? 这个我可以借用一两天吗? 牛津词典. He broke the bar of chocolate in two and gave me half. 他把巧克力掰成两半,给了我一块。 牛津词典. People arrived in twos and threes. 人们三三两两地到了。 牛津词典. You can't put all the blame on him. It takes two to make a marriage. 你不能全责怪他,结婚是两个人的事。 牛津词典.

  7. 一集. 一段经历. One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6. 书最有趣的片段之一在第6章。 牛津词典. I'd like to try and forget the whole episode. 我倒想尽量把那段经历全部忘掉。 牛津词典. The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes. 新药减轻了肺炎发作时的痛苦。 柯林斯高阶英语词典. ...people who'd suffered a third episode of depression in two years... 两年内忧郁症3次发作的人. 柯林斯高阶英语词典.