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  1. "The Fediverse (a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe") is the ensemble of federated servers that are used for web publishing (i.e. social networking, microblogging, macroblogging, or websites) and file hosting. On different servers (instances), users can create so called identities.

  2. "A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, idea, financial exchange, friends, kinship, dislike, conflict, trade, web links, sexual relations, disease transmission (epidemiology), or airline routes.

  3. Super-Star Based Technological Change. By David Rotman: "“My reading of the data is that technology is the main driver of the recent increases in inequality. It’s the biggest factor,” says Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor of management at MIT’s Sloan School.

  4. Trovebox is an open source photo sharing webapp (like Instagram), which you can self-host. iOS and Android apps also open source. Uses cloud or local storage for the actual photos. Originally known as OpenPhoto; see also

    • Definition
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    • Discussion 2: Coordinations Instead of Network States ?

    May have different meanings ranging from states that are networked, networks of institutions of officials within these institutions, etc.. Also has a more narrow definition, alike to that of a Cloud Country, by blockchain entrepreneurs such as Balaji Srivanasan: "A network state is a social network with an agreed-upon leader, an integrated cryptocu...

    Balaji Srivanasan: "Here we describe a peaceful, reproducible process for turning an online community premised on a proposition into a physical state with a virtual capital: a network state, the sequel to the nation state. A network state is a social network with a clear leader, an integrated cryptocurrency, a definite purpose, a sense of national ...

    Balaji Srivanasan: "Once we visualize a network state as a combination of (a) a digital social network with an integrated cryptocurrency and (b) a physical network of distributed enclaves, we realize that it is much easier to acquire than to conquer.

    Primaveri de Filippi: "Primavera mentioned a step-by-step guide, according to Srivinasan’s book, to build a network state: 1. Found your startup society 1. Organize it as a group capable of collective action (capacity to act is essential, being a community is not enough) 1. Build trust offline and a crypto economy online (need in-person meetings to...

    Balaji's Metapolitics

    Vitalik Buterin: "Team NYT basically runs the US, and its total lack of competence means that the US is collapsing. Team BTC (meaning, both actual Bitcoin maximalists and US rightists in general) has some positive values, but their outright hostility to collective action and order means that they are incapable of building anything. Team CCP can build, but they are building a dystopian surveillance state that much of the world would not want to live in. And all three teams are waaay too nation...

    John P. Sullivan and Adam Elkus:

    "Questions of state change and sovereignty are becoming intimately linked with issues of global security, with talk of "failing states," "lawless zones," and "ungoverned spaces" increasingly dominating public discussion. While valuable, the state decline perspective has come to dominate public discussion at the expense of alternative ideas about change in the state system. Because concepts about state change are increasingly the basis of political-military debate, considering a wider range of...

    Martin Carnoy and Manuel Castells

    The following is a 1999 commentary on the seminal book on state theory by: * Poulantzas, Nicos (1980) State, power, socialism, London: New Left Books, Verso edition. Source: Globalization, the knowledge society, and the Network State: Poulantzas at the millennium. MARTIN CARNOY and MANUEL CASTELLS URL = " 'Excerpt: Crisis and reconstruction of the state: the Network State' "Tow...

    These are the summaries of a four-part episode series critiquing Srivanasan's approach, i.e. Overthrowing the Network State, conversations conducted by Primavery de Filippi and the Blockchain Socialist podcast:

  5. Within a few decades, planetary civilization could run on 100% clean energy, grow food through organic or ecological agriculture that restores carbon to the soil, and transition to eco-city design principles, enhancing local resilience, ethical values, and decentralized power. Some general action items would include:

  6. Category:Energy - P2P Foundation. Contents. 1 Introductory citation. 2 Introductory Material. 2.1 The necessary transformation of our energy infrastructure. 2.2 Articles. 2.2.1 Bill St. Arnaud. 2.3 Books. 2.4 Concepts. 2.5 Visualizations. 2.5.1 Current Problems from Power Grid Centralization.

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