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  1. 比基尼大賽 又稱 泳裝大賽 ,是指在參賽者穿著 比基尼泳衣 或 泳裝 的情況下進行評比和排名的選美比賽。 評選標準之一是選手的外表魅力。 四大國際選美比賽( 世界小姐 、 環球小姐 、 國際小姐 和 地球小姐 )中都有比基尼大賽這一環節。 爭議 [ 編輯] 儘管參賽者是出於自願參賽,比基尼大賽常被批評過度加強女性對容貌的意識、物化女性 [1] [2] [3] 。 哥倫比亞 舉辦的兒童比基尼大賽(Miss Tanguita)更因涉及兒童而備受批評 [4] 。 參考文獻 [ 編輯] ^ Beauty and body image in the media. Media Awareness Network. [2009-01-17]. ( 原始內容 存檔於18 January 2009).

  2. 演藝圈女神之概念建立之後網際網路 上時常舉辦有關女神之活動通常由報章雜誌出版社或網友所舉辦例如女神票選活動較為知名者包括2012年 春季 由FHM男人幫雜誌所舉辦的FHM全球百大性感女神票選活動」 [2] 、ETtoday舉辦的2012新宅男女神票選」 [3] 等等。 或者是女神商品競標活動例如自由時報舉辦的夢幻女神掛曆公益拍賣」 [4] 。 相關條目 [ 編輯] 宅男女神. 性感符號. 寫真偶像. 少女模特兒. 宣傳模特兒.

  3. 2024年4月26日 · 臺灣正體. 「 比基尼 」重新導向至此。 關於海上群島,請見「 比基尼環礁 」。 美國 比基尼比賽. 比基尼 (英語: bikini ),也稱三點式」,是一種兩件式的泳裝款式 [1] [2] ,上半件為類似胸罩的兩片三角形布料覆蓋著女性上身的 乳房 ,下半件為類似內褲的兩片三角形布料,覆蓋著女性下身前方的 鼠蹊部 和後方的 臀部 ,另外也有不覆蓋臀部的 G弦褲 或 丁字褲 款式。 「比基尼」一詞於1946年由比基尼的發明者巴黎工程師 路易斯·雷德 (英語:Louis Réard) 創造。 他以試爆過 原子彈 的 比基尼環礁 的名字命名此件性感又暴露的泳衣,藉此來創造如同於核爆炸的震撼力、吸引力和話題 [3] 。

    • 1920
    • 1930
    • 1940
    • 1950
    • 1960
    • 1970
    • 1980
    • 1990
    • 2000

    During the 1920s and 1930s, people began to shift from "taking in the water" to "taking in the sun", at bathhouses and spas, and swimsuit designs shifted from functional considerations to incorporate more decorative features. 嫘縈 was used in the 1920s in the manufacture of tight-fitting swimsuits, but its durability, especially when wet, proved prob...

    By the 1930s men began to go without shirts for swimming,and barechestedness in male swimwear became the norm by the end of the 1940s, including in competitive swimming events, in which men are not only barechested, but wear a swimming suit that is intended merely to meet public decency requirements. The norm of male barechestedness in swimwear ext...

    Wartime production during 第二次世界大战 required vast amounts of 棉花, 丝绸, 尼龙, 羊毛, 皮革, and 天然橡胶. In 1942, the United States 战时生产委员会 issued Regulation L-85, cutting the use of natural fibers in clothing and mandating a 10% reduction in the amount of fabric in women's beachwear. To comply with the regulations, swimsuit manufacturers produced two-piece suits ...

    Swimwear of the 1940s, 50s and early 60s followed the 剪影 mostly from the early 1930s whereas after 第二次世界大战, a new wardrobe and style of vacation-swimwear arose, coupled with an increase of leisure time and bustling postwar resorts.In 1951, a huge celebration called "The Festival of Britain" was promoted of everything new and modern and cast a line ...

    In 1964 designer Rudi Gernreich(英语:Rudi Gernreich) conceived and produced the monokini, a revolutionary and controversial design included a bottom that "extended from the midriff to the upper thigh"and was "held up by shoestring laces that make a halter around the neck."

    In the 1970s Speedo added 氨綸to their swimsuits that improved their elasticity, durability and reduced water drag – 21 out of 22 records at the 1972 Olympics were broken using nylon/elastane suits. At the same Olympics, East German swimmers adopted suits that were tightly following the body shape, the so-called "skinsuits". They were initially made ...

    In 1985, Gernreich unveiled the lesser known pubikini(英语:pubikini), a bathing suit meant to expose 陰毛. The pubikini is a small piece of fabric that hugs the hips and buttocks but leaves the pubic region exposed, described as a tiny V-shaped fabric strip and a piece de resistance totally freeing the human body. It featured a thong-style bottom while...

    Tankini(英语:Tankini) and the concept of mix-and-match swimwears were the two major innovations in that genre in the late 1990s. Designer Anne Cole(英语:Anne Cole), the US swimwear mogul, was the originator of this style. Hailed as the first major innovation in women's swimsuit design in several decades, the two-piece tankini blended the freedom of a b...

    In 2005, a controversy broke out when 佛教s complained against swimwear manufacturer Ondade Mar and lingerie giant 维多利亚的秘密 started marketing tankinis featuring Buddhist iconography. In the same year 耐克's breast cancer awareness swimwear collection featured four different cuts of tankini. In 2000, Speedo launched the 速比涛 suit series that mimicked shar...

  4. 泳衣 ,又稱 泳装 、水着 [1] [2] [3] [註 1] ,泛指從事游泳、潜水、冲浪等水中活動時穿著的衣物。 一般而言,泳衣緊而富有彈性,相當紧身,以方便 人們 從事水中活動, 女性 的一般則為一件式連身遮住身體或兩件式遮住胸部和私处, 男性 的一般只遮住私处。 主要遮住三點部位樣式的( 比基尼泳衣 )。 歷史與發展.

  5. 泳衣 ,又稱 泳裝 、水著 [1] [2] [3] [註 1] ,泛指從事游泳、潛水、衝浪等水中活動時穿著的衣物。 一般而言,泳衣緊而富有彈性,相當緊身,以方便 人們 從事水中活動, 女性 的一般則為一件式連身遮住身體或兩件式遮住胸部和私處, 男性 的一般只遮住私處。 主要遮住三點部位樣式的( 比基尼泳衣 )。 歷史與發展 [ 編輯] 主條目: 泳裝史.

  6. MV拍攝. 寫真集. 網路票選. 參考資料. 外部連結. 周曉涵 (英語: Amanda Chou ,1984年8月8日 — ), 台灣 女演員 ,多曼尼經紀公司旗下成員,有超人氣網路美少女、 逢甲大學 校花等稱號<ref>在最早期網路相簿"TaipeiLink"(台北林克)是唯一戴黑框眼鏡的網路美少女。 經歷 [ 編輯] 2004年9月11日參加 中視 《 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 》之「超人氣! 網路美少女」單元,因戴黑框眼鏡受到主持人 吳宗憲 特別訪問與更多關注。 之後接拍多部廣告如: 中華電信 廣告、隱形眼鏡廣告、 思薇爾 撩波內衣廣告,擔任 男人幫 FHM封面人物、 GQ 生活網雜誌封面人物。 在21歲時曾經出過車禍,差一點毀容,在親朋好友的支持與鼓勵下走出傷痛與折磨。

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