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  1. Overall perhaps 30 per cent of the population claim Pro-Am arts skills of one kind or another. About 11 per cent engage in voluntary work, either locally or for a national organisation like St John Ambulance, and 8 per cent of the population as a whole see them- selves as Pro-Am volunteers.

    • Definition
    • The Shift Away from Professionalization
    • Examples
    • Discussion
    • Key Books to Read
    • More Information

    Mass Amateurization = refers to the process whereby the dichotomy between experts and amateurs is dissolving and creating a new category of professional amateurs, also called Pro-Ams.

    Charles Leadbeater in We Think: "The 20th century was shaped by the rise of professionals in most walks of life. From education, science and medicine, to banking, business and sports, formerly amateur activities became more organised, knowledge and procedures were codified and regulated. As professionalism grew, often with hierarchical organisation...

    The Rise of Amateur Media

    "While music and film producers loudly drag illegal file sharers to court, company executives, government officials and industry lobbies are debating how to regulate the creation and distribution of digital content in an age in which distinctions between those who consume and those who create are disappearing. The rise of the amateur digital content producer - somebody who keeps a blog, mixes his own song or shoots his own video and makes it available online - is creating an almost audible bu...

    Weblogs as a result of Mass Amateurization

    Weblogs as a process of mass-amateurisation, not mass-professionalistion, at Clay Shirky: "But the vast majority of weblogs are amateur and will stay amateur, because a medium where someone can publish globally for no cost is ideal for those who do it for the love of the thing. Rather than spawning a million micro-publishing empires, weblogs are becoming a vast and diffuse cocktail party, where most address not "the masses" but a small circle...

    Citizen Engineers

    "Before, only the rich had access to tools and so only the rich were professionals, and the rest were amateurs," says Noah Glass, the co-founder of Odeo, which offers a free service for making, hosting, and distributing podcasts. "But now, as the creation tools have become easier to use and more freely distributed through open source, through the Internet, through awareness, more people have more access to more tools, so the whole amateur-professional dichotomy is dissolving." Citizen enginee...

    Chris Anderson: Amateurs Beat Professionals

    "No matter how much you love your job, you will eventually end up doing something that feels like work--something that you have to do because your boss asked you to or because the market requires it. At that point, your professional skills may be negated by your lack of authentic interest. But amateurs are by definition volunteers. They choose to spend their time on what they do, and they go exactly where their passions, interests, knowledge and personality takes them--no further. If they los...

    Book 1: Erik von Hippel. Democratizing Innovation. MIT Press, 2005 The classic on how users are increasingly innovating for themselves. Book2: Henry William Chesbrough. Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology. Harvard Business School Press, 2003 Shows why corporate labs are increasingly inadequate, with case s...

    Charles Leadbeater in We Think, has a section on the Pro-Am movement, at Report by the Cato Institute: Amateur to Amateur

  2. Tom Munnecke was one of the software architects and visionaries behind the two largest hospital information systems in the world: the Veterans Administration’s VistA program (formerly called the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program), and the Department of Defense’s Composite Health Care System (CHCS).

  3. The Dossier, a joint effort of number of academics and information activists, "seeks to provide backing to the argument that copyright laws imposed upon the global South have had, and will continue to have, a negative impact".

  4. Until quite recently, it was customary to acknowledge many of these figures, and Paracelsus and Kepler in particular, as pioneers who contributed to the transition "from alchemy to chemistry", "from astrology to astronomy". But the Enlightenment vision of their

  5. Steiner referred to the period in which the mythic picture consciousness developed as the Egypto-Chaldean period, in reference to the significant developments in culture and consciousness that occurred in those regions. A major divergence occurs regarding the different usages of the term “soul,” as discussed below.

  6. Science needs to learn to accommodate this qualitative realm, and learn to understand it - not quantitatively, but qualitatively. This requires new methods and ways of thinking for science -- not outside of a (limited) science, but within an expanded one. - Michael

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