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  1. foodpanda 全台最大即時外送平台,全台24小時外送服務,包含上萬家知名排隊餐廳美食、上千間便利超商、生鮮雜貨及生活用品商家。 手指輕點,20分鐘火速外送上門!

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  5. Order food online from foodpanda or get your groceries delivered from the best restaurants and shops in Taiwan. We have over 10,000+ restaurant and shop partners all over Taiwan, and a special delivery team that delivers fast.

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  8. Get your shopping delivered in under 20 minutes with foodpanda. Order online from grocery stores near you. Choose from over 10,000 items delivered straight to your doorstep.

  9. Get your groceries delivered in 20 minutes with pandamart and foodpanda shops ♦ Order online from top grocery stores and we'll deliver straight to your door.

  10. foodpanda, Taipei, Taiwan. 6,671,947 likes · 7,875 talking about this. foodpanda 致力於把您最喜愛的餐點從在地風味餐廳外送到您手上。. 第一口美味最對味,訂購您喜愛的美食

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