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  1. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

  2. 全新桌面软件,支持浏览器及办公软 件取词,查词更简单. 多端数据云端同步,支持多个设备. 拍照语音翻译,支持英法日等7国语音. 立即下载. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

  3. n. 购买(物); 抓紧; 支点. v. 购买. 词态变化. 第三人称单数: purchases; 过去式: purchased; 过去分词: purchased; 现在分词: purchasing; 实用场景例句. 全部. 购买. 采购. 换得. 购买行为. to make a purchase (= buy sth) 采购. 牛津词典. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase . 保存好收据作为购货凭证。 牛津词典. The company has just announced its £27 million purchase of Park Hotel. 这家公司刚刚宣布以2 700万英镑买下了帕克宾馆。 牛津词典.

  4. Five pounds doesn't buy much nowadays. 如今五英镑买不到多少东西了。 牛津词典. He can't be bought (= he's too honest to accept money in this way) . 他是收买不了的。 牛津词典. Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage. 她出了名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。 牛津词典. You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it (= accept the explanation) . 你可以称病,但我想他们不会相信的。

  5. bought是什么意思_bought的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典. 柯林斯. 牛津. bought. 英 [bɔ:t] 美 [bɔt] 释义. v. 购买,购得 ( buy的过去式和过去分词 ); 做出牺牲以获得; 够支付; 买通. 实用场景例句. 全部. 购买. 购得. 买通. Everything about the two ships was on a colossal scale. 这两艘舰的一切都是庞大的. 辞典例句. I bought a new turtleneck yesterday. 昨天我买了一件新的高领绒衣. 《简明英汉词典》 The house she has just bought is no class. 她刚买的房子是低劣品. 《简明英汉词典》

  6. n. 备忘录; (美)内部通知. 大小写变形: MEMO. 词态变化. 复数: memos; 实用场景例句. 全部. 备忘录. 内部通知. to write/send/circulate a memo. 写 / 发送 / 传阅备忘录. 牛津词典. Now take this duty memo and pay at the window over there. 现在拿上这张税单去那边的窗口付款. 期刊摘选. I want this memo to go to all departmental managers. 这份备忘录要送交各部门的经理. 辞典例句. Some people received that memo in their office.

  7. n. 购买. v. 购买,购得 ( buy的现在分词 ); 做出牺牲以获得; 够支付; 买通. 实用场景例句. 全部. Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style. 买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式。 柯林斯例句. On the Stock Exchange, aggressive buying propped the market up. 在证券交易所,市场在大量买单的推动下有所上扬。 柯林斯例句. They ended up buying a prebuilt modular home on a two-acre lot.

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