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  3. Play this game only if you are over 30 years old! Summon 500+ warriors from 14 factions through gacha collecting.

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  1. 2020年7月19日 · Card games, poker rounds, games of chance, bets, sports such as football, board games such as Monopoly, races, marathons, puzzles, Tetris, Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, sudoku, online games such as World of Warcraft, and Halo -- all are finite games. The game ends when someone wins. An infinite game, on the other hand, is played to keep the game going.

    • Introduction
    • Resources
    • Various Links

    These pages cover metaverses, 3D worlds and trends, and immersive gaming worlds, as well as Play Ethic developments. See Pat Kane's summary of the Impact of Play on Business Organization To put the trend toward P2P-based virtual worlds into the context of gaming developments, please read this introductionby Gwendal Simon. Check out the typology of ...

    Key Articles

    1. Games as P2P Utopia: Alexander Galloway on the World of Warcraft and Utopia 2. Game Modding and Education: excerpts of a thesis on using entertainment for eduction, that goes beyond the failed edutainment model. 3. The Power of Play: essay by Pat Kane for Soundings magazine. In conversation with Ephemara in Dialoguing Play 4. Play Struggle, excerpts of the book Hacking Capitalismby Johan Soderbergh. 5. Considering Participatory Design and Governance in Player Culture by T.L. Taylor: Player...

    Key Blogs

    1. The Play Ethic blog of Pat Kane. Watch or listen to Pat Kane on the Play Ethic 2. Terra Nova is "a blog about virtual worlds and their implications." (Academic) game research and virtual worlds in general. 3. GameTunnel is "the web's home for independent video games." Other indie game sites linkedat the bottom of the main page. 4. The Second Loop: on the interaction between real-life and our avatars 5. Game Politics: "where...

    Key Books

    1. Bernie DeKoven explains Coliberation strategies in his book The Well-Played Game 2. Pat Kane. The Play Ethic 3. Pat Kane reviews the books Synthetic Worlds and Second Lives 4. McKenzie Wark, whose Hacker Manifesto is a classic for our times, has published a new draft book open for discussion, on Gamer Theory 5. Ed Halter's book, From Sun Tzu to Xbox"a definitive history of the longstanding relationship between games and military culture, from wargaming's roots in ancient civilizations, to...

  2. is a big fan of an emerging concept in massively multiplayer online game circles: the open-source metaverse. Built by independent contributors, the open-source metaverse is an infinitely extensible virtual world with few rules and no oversight from ...

  3. Gaming Guilds - P2P Foundation. History. Key Kreutler: "As role playing computer games went online in the 1990s, this meant large numbers of players could share in one game world: an environment with a diverse array of objectives, activities, and subplots.

  4. That made it the first finite game that I can remember encountering as an infinite game. I can remember many infinite games from my youth when my brothers and I played shoot'em up games that involved climbing over, crawling under, and sneaking around things to get the jump on the other person and shoot them before they could shoot back.

  5. Free Code Game Engines - P2P Foundation. Contents. 1 Directory. 1.1 3D General. 1.2 3D Open World. 1.3 3D First Person Shooter. 1.4 3D Fighting. 1.5 3D Constructor. 1.6 2D and 3D. 1.7 Top Down Realtime Strategy. 1.8 Top Down Turn-Based Strategy. 1.9 2D Side-scrolling Platformer. 1.10 HTML5 Games. 1.11 Music and Dance. 1.12 Collections.

  6. 2020年12月28日 · These games range from groups of a few friends to 1000-person organizations, with a broad range of structures, goals and members… Numerous [guilds] exist for nearly every online game available today” (Wikipedia) In some cases the guilds are internal to the

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