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  1. 網紅Zofia20236月在社群發文透露,17歲時遭到某位主持人誘騙強吻、拍裸照,加害人特徵隨即讓外界聯想到黃子佼,黃迅速在臉書直播道歉自承就是當事人,卻鬧出後續一連串自傷、爆料等風波,後續遭到民眾告發,北檢介入調查後確認黃子佼涉性騷擾犯罪,但無強暴、威脅手段,雙方最終和解簽結。...

  2. 2023年6月19日 · 「#Metoo」風波在演藝圈持續延燒,經營粉絲專頁「和我一起.走在法國的365天」的旅法網紅Zofia,今(19日)晨悲痛自爆,17歲遭一名大咖主持人在 ...

  3. Season 2 of World on Fire has officially landed on BBC with Zofia Wichlacz, Gregg Sulkin, Blake Harrison and more featuring in the star-studded cast list.

  4. Zofia Wichlacz in 'World On Fire' © PBS. PBS ‘s World on Fire, the engrossing British drama about ordinary people trying to survive World War II, is back after a four-year absence. It’s worth...

  5. 2023年7月16日 · As we rejoin the story in October 1940, Harry is returning home with Kasia (Zofia Wichlacz), whom he married in haste as a way of securing her safe passage from Warsaw. It didn’t work out like...

  6. The cast includes Andrzej Seweryn as Witold Wancyz, Magdalena Różczka, Dawid Ogrodnik as Piotr Zarzcyka, Lukasz Simlat as Sergeant Major Adam Mika, Zofia Wichlacz as Teresa Zarzcyka, and ...

  7. Returning cast include Lesley Manville, Jonah Hauer-King, Julia Brown, and Zofia Wichlacz, whilst Mark Bonnar, Gregg Sulkin, and Grace Chilton are among the new cast members. Sean Bean, who...