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  1. D Square Studio 專業新娘秘書‧婚禮紀錄服務. 新娘秘書 Dorene. 歡迎來逛逛Dorene的粉絲頁喔!!讓水水您多了解Dorene以及新祕的世界. Hot news~~ ~~新增新娘造型作品!!快來欣賞囉!! Facebook粉絲頁>> 小幸福D2Studio 婚禮工作室. 希望各位新人們隨時來注意喔!! 如有任何需求或疑問,歡迎來信,我們將會盡快答覆的喔!! mail:

  2. click on thumbnails for full image

  3. Phoebe Pang DSC_1989. Phoebe Pang DSC_1991. Phoebe Pang DSC_1994. Phoebe Pang DSC_1996. Phoebe Pang DSC_1997. Phoebe Pang DSC_2003. Phoebe Pang DSC_2007. Phoebe Pang DSC_2008.

  4. Pagan Tsai's Photo Galleries at 歡迎大家來到培根的相本.希望大家看完後可以留言指教 謝謝. Best View in 1280x1024. 過陣子部分相本會搬家,有需要的請自行備份,謝謝. Last update.

  5. Many thanks for taking your time and visiting my gallery. For viewing an image, please click with the mouse and then select "original" for the file size, as otherwise ...

  6. click on thumbnails for full image

  7. Projects. This Gallery contains our projects, Felicity & I will be choosing themes and compiling photographs based on the themes we've chosen, to be printed and assembled into a collage type artwork. It is best to login or register first but you may post as a guest. Enter an optional name and contact email address.

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