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  1. 資料時間:2024/06/01

  2. 2023年8月26日 · Our journey into memory metrics begins with a simple mission: understand a node’s memory utilization without the “Kubernetes layer”, which is the memory usage of all the pods’ containers. At first, it seems simple: measure the node’s memory usage and subtract the usage of all the pods’ containers memory usage.

  3. 2019年2月25日 · This blog post explains how OPA and Kubernetes Policy Controller (which has been renamed lately to Gatekeeper) can be fine-tuned for production usage. This blog is based on OPA 0.10.3 and our forked Kubernetes Policy Controller (we have not yet migrated to Gatekeeper).

  4. 2018年5月22日 · Our system was built with django and using PostgreSQL as database. After some code reading and eliminations, I put my focus on the Book model itself. The model definition was something like this: from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField class Book(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) detail = JSONField(default={})

    • Storage Types
    • Create A PersistentVolumeClaim
    • Using PersistentVolumeClaim in Pods
    • Delete PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim
    • Useful Links

    For a better understanding of the PersistentVolume concept — let’s see all available storages: 1. Node-local storage (emptyDir and hostPath) 2. Cloud volumes (for example, awsElasticBlockStore, gcePersistentDisk, and azureDiskVolume) 3. File-sharing volumes, such as Network File System 4. Distributed-file systems (for example, CephFS, RBD, and Glus...

    Create an EBS

    For the Static provisioning first, we need to create a storage device, in this case, it will be AWS EBS, and then we will create a PersistentVolume that will use this EBS. Create an EBS: Store itsID — “vol-0928650905a2491e2”.

    Create a PersistentVolume

    Write a manifest file, let’s call it pv-static.yaml: Here: 1. capacity: storage size 2. accessModes: access type, here it is the ReadWriteOnce, which means that this PV can be attached to an only one WorkerNode at the same time 3. storageClassName: storage access, see below 4. awsElasticBlockStore: used device type 5. fsType: a filesystem type to be created on this volume 6. volumeID: an AWS EBS disc ID Create the PersistentVolume: Check it:


    The storageClassNameparameter will set the storage type. Both PVC and PV must have the same class, otherwise, a PVC will not find a PV, and STATUS of such a PVC will be Pending. If a PVC has no StorageClassset - then a default value will be used: During this, if the StorageClass is not set for a PV - this PV will be crated without class, and our PVC with the default class will not be able to use this PV with the "Cannot bind to requested volume "pvname": storageClassName does not match" error...

    Dynamic PersistentVolumeClaim

    Let’s describe a pod which will use our dynamic PVC: Here: 1. volumes: 2. persistentVolumeClaim: 3. claimName: a PVC name which will be requested when a pod will be created 4. containers: 5. volumeMounts: mount the pv-dynamic-storage volume to the /usr/share/nginx/htmldirectory in the pod Create it: Check again our PVC: Now we can see a new Volume with the ID pvc-6d024b40-a239–4c35–8694-f060bd117053— check it: Check that volume: And the AWS EBS vol-040a5e004876f1a40: Check inside of the pod:...

    Static PersistentVolumeClaim

    Now, let’s try to use our statically created PV. We can use the same manifest — the pv-static.yaml: And let’s use the pvc-static.yamlmanifest for our PVC: Create the PV: Check it: Create the PVC: Check it: STATUS Boundmeans that PVC was able to find its PV and was successfully connected.

    Pod nodeAffinity

    Next, we need to determine an AWS AvailabilityZone where is our AWS EBS for the Static PV was created: us-east-2a— okay, then we need to create a pod on a Kubernetes Worker Node in the same AvailabilityZone. Create a manifest: As opposed to the Dynamic PVC — here we’ve used the nodeAffinity to specify that we want to use a node from the s-east-2aAZ. Create that pod: Check events: Partitions in the pod: nvme1n1is mounted, all works.

    When a user wants to delete a PVC that is currently used by a live pod, such a PVC will not be deleted immediately — it will be present until a corresponding pod is running. Similarly, when deleting a PersistentVolume that has a binding from a PersistentVolumeClaim such a PV will not be deleted until such a binding present, e.g. until its PVC is pr...

  5. 2018年5月2日 · Up and Running: Cockpit for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) I personally find a quick way to get better at explaining kubernetes to friends. Setting Cockpit dashboard for Google Kubernetes Engine. By definition, Cockpit is a server manager that makes it easy to administer our GNU/Linux servers via a web browser.

  6. 2023年5月4日 · This article is intended as an introduction to Gatekeeper and will show you how to use the OPA gatekeeper to create and enforce policies and governance for your Kubernetes clusters so the resources. Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper 101 with a few examples.

  7. 2019年4月5日 · This tutorial demonstrates how to automatically scale your GKE workloads based on metrics available in Stackdriver. If you want to autoscale based on metric exported by your Kubernetes workload or a metric attached to Kubernetes object such as Pod or Node visit Autoscaling Deployments with Custom Metrics instead.

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