From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. 原藏于清宫 南薰殿,现大多藏于台北国立故宫博物院、北京故宫博物院。 Contents. 1 历代帝后像 轴. 2 宋代帝半身像 册. 3 宋代后半身像 册. 4 元代帝半身像 册. 5 元代后半身像 册. 6 元代后妃太子像 册. 7 明代帝后半身像 册(一) 8 明代帝后半身像 册(二) 9 其他. 历代帝后像 轴. [edit] 台北国立故宫博物院藏. 01. 伏羲坐像轴. 绢本设色. 02. 帝尧立像轴. 绢本设色. 03. 夏禹王立像轴. 绢本设色. 04. 商汤王立像轴. 绢本设色. 05. 周武王立像轴. 绢本设色. 06. 梁武帝半身像轴. 绢本设色. 07. 唐高祖立像轴.
如果你是第一次浏览共享资源,你可能想要先看看特色图片(候选区),优质图像或最有价值图像。 你也可以在 结识我们的摄影师 和 结识我们的插图师 中看看我们高水平的贡献者创作的作品。
- Types of Reflected Relations
- Major Categories
- Category Names
- Categorizing Pages
- Creating A New Category
- Sorting Categories
- Renaming Or Moving Categories
- Categorization Tips
- Find An Appropriate Category
- Over-Categorization
The category structure should reflect a hierarchy of concepts, from the most generic one down to the very specific. The structure uses and combines more types of relation, e. g. 1. Hyponymy: a sort/kind/type of… (typically in biological taxonomy) 2. Meronymy: a part of…, a member of… (typically for geographical division, building/room, device/compo...
The top-most categories (the ones contained directly in CommonsRoot) divide the category structure by the purpose of the contained categories: 1. Category:Topics– This category is the global common root of the media files categorized by the TOPIC. ALL media files should be categorized under this category for the sake of allowing others to find them...
Category names should generally be in English (see Commons:Language policy). However, there are exceptions such as some proper names, biological taxa and names for which the non-English name is most commonly used in the English language (or there is no evidence of usage of an English-language version). Latin alphabets are used in original form incl...
To add a page (be it an image, a gallery page, or a category page) to a category, add the following code to the end of the page. 1. [[Category:Category name]] For example, if you are uploading a diagram showing the orbit of comets, you could add the following to the image description page: This will make the diagram show up in the categories Astron...
To create a new category: 1. Do a thorough search, to be sure there isn't an existing category that will serve the purpose. 2. Find images (or a gallery or other pages) which should be put in the new category. Edit this page, and at the end insert the new category reference. e.g. [[Category:Title]]. Save the edited page. The new category appears as...
If a category should be sorted according to a different string than the category title, there are two ways: Defining a sortkey (sort string) for all parent categories: 1. This will sort the category into all parent categories under the specified sortkey. For instance, the title of a category about a person would not be the right sort string. For su...
Please see Commons:Rename a category. Pages (including category pages) are categorized according to their subject, and not to their contents, because the contents are generally not a permanent feature of the category page; in particular, you can momentarily find inappropriate contents in a category page. Example: Assume that Category:Spheres contai...
The categories (or galleries) you choose for your uploads should answer as many as possible of the following questions: 1. what? / whom?: what or whom does the file show? What is the main subject? What are the noteworthy features of the image? For instance Category:Automobiles, Category:Felis silvestris catus or Category:Jimmy Wales 2. where?: wher...
To find appropriate categories for your uploads, you should navigate the category structure starting from a generic category. Narrow your search down to subcategories until you find the most specific category that fits the file you uploaded. You can navigate the category structure by following links to subcategories, or expanding the tree of subcat...
for the inclusion criteria (the equivalent of w:WP:OVERCAT) see Commons:Category inclusion criteria Over-categorization is placing a file, category or other page in several levels of the same branch in the category tree. The general rule is always place an image in the most specific categories, and not in the levels above those. Exceptions to this ...
2008 Tour de Taiwan - Stage 1. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Highlights of 2008 Tour de Taiwan Kaohsiung (1st) Stage on March 9, 2008.
如果你是第一次浏览共享资源,你可能想要先看看特色图片(候选区),优质图像或最有价值图像。 你也可以在 结识我们的摄影师 和 结识我们的插图师 中看看我们高水平的贡献者创作的作品。
Description 國民政府據內政部呈轉曾憲禕承襲宗聖奉祀官一案 (1942年).png. 中文(臺灣): 中華民國國民政府公文,「行政院院長蔣中正呈國民政府據內政部呈轉曾憲禕承襲宗聖奉祀官一案經指令照准抄同原呈請鑒核備案」. Date. 23 January 1942. Source. 國史館檔案史料 ...
獲勝作品的攝影者將獲得獎品,同時攝影作品也能於維基百科網站上輪播。比賽分兩階段,第一階段是地區性的初賽,由各地的社群負責籌辦。選出優勝作品後,進入國際的決賽,決賽由另一組評審評選。 ”