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  1. Description. James Moore: "The end of cheap nature is best comprehended as the exhaustion of the value-relations that have periodically restored the “Four Cheaps”: labor-power, food, energy, and raw materials. Crucially, these value-relations are co-produced by and through humans with the rest of nature."

  2. Chinese Translation of Political Economy of Peer Production. 对等生产(Peer Production)的政治经济学. 作者:Michael Bauwens,, Political Economy of Peer Production. Translator: Xiangjun KONG <>, Sponsor: Jan Van den Bergh <> for i-merge interactive brandbreeding ...

  3. Linux is a Free Software based operating system for computers. It uses Peer Production methods and can be considered a Virtual Network Organization . The material below especially looks at its Peer Governance structure. More similar cases via the entry on Open Source Software - Governance. Contents. 1 Definition. 2 History of Linux. 2.1 1.