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  1. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  2. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  3. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  4. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  5. 美光 SSD 為 PCIe Gen4 儲存裝置樹立了新的效能標竿。美光 9400 NVMe SSD 專為管理關鍵資料中心工作負載而打造。 更高的功耗效率意味著相同的能源消耗(瓦數)能獲得更高的工作負載效能(更高的 IOPS)。美光 9400 的功耗效率較前一代 SSD 高出 77%²。

  6. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  7. 美光 2400 NVMe SSD 是世界首款且最先進以 176 層 QLC NAND 為基礎的 PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD。2400 採用領先業界的儲存容量,是世界首款以 22x30mm 規格尺寸提供的 2TB SSD。 此 QLC SSD 提供三種精巧的 M.2 規格尺寸,適合因應輕薄設計的高容量

  8. To access these documents, you must first read and accept Micron's electronic non-disclosure agreement. If the Recipient has a written confidentiality agreement with Micron Technology, Inc. you will need to click "Accept" at the bottom of this page, but the terms

  9. 美光 2210 SSD 結合了快速的 NVMe 效能和美光在 QLC 性價比的領先地位,價格經濟實惠,可助您向前邁進。

  10. 使用美光 2650 NVMe SSD 提升您的運算體驗,確保您的應用程式在日常運算個人電腦平台提供最佳使用者體驗。2 美光是首家採用業界第九代 NAND 的公司,其搭載業界第九代 NAND 的 美光 2650 SSD 現已出貨。3 2650 採用先進的美光 G9 NAND 技術,在完成日常任務(從工作到娛樂)方面領先於競爭對手。

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