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  2. 2021年11月24日 · A note from Cleveland Clinic. A C3 complement blood test gives your healthcare provider important information about how your immune system is working. The blood test is usually quick and painless. The results of this test can show signs of an autoimmune disorder, infection or other condition.

  3. 2022年8月16日 · A C3 complement test is used to measure a protein called C3 which is part of the body's immune response. High or low values may indicate medical problems ranging from autoimmune diseases and immune disorders to infections and chronic kidney or liver

  4. Complement C3 is a blood test that measures the activity of a certain protein. This protein is part of the complement system. The complement system is a group of nearly 60 proteins that are in blood plasma or on the surface of some cells.

  5. High C3 complement levels indicate inflammation in the body. The inflammation could be due to ulcerative colitis or other acute diseases like sarcoma, leukemia, or Hodgkin's Lymphoma. These are all different types of cancer. However, increased levels of C3 are not the main indication of cancer.

  6. Carbon trioxide ( CO3) is an unstable oxide of carbon (an oxocarbon ). The possible isomers of carbon trioxide include ones with molecular symmetry point groups Cs, D3h, and C2v. The C2v state, consisting of a dioxirane, has been shown to be the ground state of the molecule. [1] .

    • CO₃
    • .mw-parser-output .plainlist ol,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul{line-height:inherit;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0}.mw-parser-output .plainlist ol li,.mw-parser-output .plainlist ul li{margin-bottom:0}12144-05-7
    • 60.008 g·mol−1
    • 19.8M
  7. 2024年2月12日 · Complement component 3, often called C3, is an essential protein of the immune system. This protein plays a vital role in the body’s innate immune system, providing: the first line of...

  8. 進、出口貨物以自動化連線報關後,海關電腦專家系統按進出口廠商之等級、貨物來源地、貨物性質及報關行等篩選條件,分別將報單核定為C1(免審免驗通關)、C2(文件審核通關)及C3(貨物查驗通關)三種通關方式。 茲分別說明如下: C1通關方式:出口貨物可立即裝船出口;進口貨物則於完成繳納稅費手續,即可持憑電腦列印之放行通知及原提貨單證前往貨棧提貨。 其書面報單及其他有關文件正本,應由報關人保管一年,海關於必要時得命其補送或前往查核。 C2通關方式:報關人於連線報關後,須於翌日海關辦公時間終了前補送書面報單及其他有關文件正本,經審核相符後通關放行。