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  1. noun [ C ] uk / ˈek.əʊ / us / ˈek.oʊ / plural echoes. echo noun [C] (SOUND) Add to word list. C2. a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff. 回聲,回音,回響. The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫聲在洞中迴盪了好幾秒鐘。 Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway. 厚地毯會減弱走廊中的回音。

  2. 挑高的空間設計、明亮的採光,顏色鮮明的各家酒廠標誌,搭配上 29 管風格迥異的生啤酒頭,一踏入 Echo 161 彷彿回到歐洲一樣,對於旅遊過數十個歐洲國家的 克萊兒 我來說,實在太令人懷念了吧! 除了經典的商業啤酒外,也供應各式精釀啤酒,黑板上洋洋灑灑以英文寫上啤酒品名與酒精濃度,熟悉的點上一杯 Fuller`s ESB 如此自然的舉動,一點都不像第一次造訪。 選了吧檯的位置可以就近和侍酒人員攀談,若是三五好友前來也可以選擇二樓的座位,寬闊的場域得以盡情的歡聚。 喝酒免不了嘴饞,店內也有提供餐點,我點了烤起司、黃金煎餃與橄欖油蒜蝦佐法國麵包。 目錄 Contents 隱藏 hide. 1. 在「Echo 161」今天喝什麼? 1.1. 富樂 冠軍英式特殊苦啤 Fuller`s ESB.

  3. noun [ C ] uk / ˈek.əʊ / us / ˈek.oʊ / plural echoes. echo noun [C] (SOUND) Add to word list. C2. a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff. 回声,回音,回响. The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫声在洞中回荡了好几秒钟。 Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway. 厚地毯会减弱走廊中的回音。

  4. ECHO的意思解釋及翻譯:1. If a sound echoes, or a place echoes with a sound, you hear the sound again because you are in a…。. 了解更多。.

  5. echo. /ˈɛkoʊ/. 動詞. "echo" 例句. The sound of chainsaws echoed through the forest as the loggers began their work. Voices can echo off the walls of the canyon. The sound of the water dripping echoes off the walls of the cave. When he reached the top of the mountain, he shouted to hear the echo of his voice. "echo" 相關課程教材.

  6. Echo 161的最新菜單、評論、圖片、相片,新竹縣竹北市最好吃的酒吧,網友評分: 4.4分,地址: 新竹縣竹北市成功一街36號,訂位電話: +886 980 968 904,在地人推薦必吃的、CP值超高的酒吧之一。.

  7. 臺灣正體. 工具. 在 電腦技術 中, echo 是一個 DOS 、 OS/2 、 Microsoft Windows 、 Singularity 、 Unix 和 類Unix 系統中的 命令 ,用來將 字串 輸出到 終端 上。 它通常在 shell指令碼 和 批次處理 中使用,以將狀態資訊輸出到螢幕或檔案中。 使用範例 [ 編輯] $ echo This is a test. This is a test. $ echo "This is a test." > ./test.txt. $ cat ./test.txt. This is a test. 可以使用 ANSI跳脫代碼圖形再現序列( SGR sequences) 輸出彩色文字:

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