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  1. 2023年2月9日 · From the Wikipedia: "The Decline of the West (German: Der Untergang des Abendlandes), or more literally, The Downfall of the Occident, is a two-volume work by Oswald Spengler. The first volume, subtitled Form and Actuality, was published in the summer of 1918. The second volume, subtitled Perspectives of World History, was published in 1922.

  2. The metamodern society of the future is a listening society; a society more sensitive to the inner dimensions of human beings. Drawing upon an elaborate weaving of psychology, sociology, political science and philosophy this book lands in a positive vision for the future. It shows how a clear description of human psychological growth – how we ...

  3. Neo-Tribalism in the narrow sense is the ideology that human beings have evolved to live in a tribal, as opposed to a modern, society, and thus cannot achieve genuine happiness until some semblance of archaic lifestyles has been re-created or re-embraced. It is also used in a more broad sense, i.e. that internet technology creates a mode of ...

  4. 2024年4月25日 · Description. Hanzi Freinacht: "“Protopia” is another recent term, coined by futurist Kevin Kelly and it is defined as the opposite of a “Dystopia”. In Dystopia, people are stuck in some kind of recurring pattern of suffering (like George Orwell’s “foot trampling a human face — for ever”, as in 1984). A Protopian society, then ...

  5. Among Glushkov’s many groundbreaking scientific ideas, we should single out the one that he considered his life’s work. This is his idea of the Automated State System of Economic Management (OGAS). Even at the time, Glushkov himself failed to appreciate the role his OGAS idea could play in our history. Of course, he predicted that the ...

  6. Cosmotechnics encompasses our organizing, as organizing and technology are no more separable (they really never were). This, I believe, is our moment. A moment to become fully aware of our potential and — at the same time — to de-exceptionalize both the human and the techno-organizing. It’s the moment to acknowledge and frame our ...

  7. One of the unanswered questions at this moment is the role of the State. Clearly, States will have a major role to play in deciding, regulating and monitoring the social commons and giving them a political input. States will always have to guarantee the social and ...