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  1. 中油招考2024簡章 相關

  2. 準備‪中油招考‬有好方法,補習班可以幫考生統整濃縮不同版本教材,讓考生在有限的時間裡吸收重點. 準備公職國考,與其盲目模索,不如請老師直接突破盲點,在考場上拿到高分才最重要的。

  3. 榜首級專業課程規劃,讓快速考取專家告訴你,如何快速考取。 考前重點時刻,掌握考點分析,強化審題及答題能力。


  1. 2024年4月1日 · From the Wikipedia: "Resources, events, agents (REA) is a model of how an accounting system can be re-engineered for the computer age. REA was originally proposed in 1982 by William E. McCarthy as a generalized accounting model, and contained the concepts of resources, events and agents (McCarthy 1982). REA is a popular model in teaching ...

  2. 2024年3月7日 · 2. Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan: "The theory of capital as power (CasP) is radically different from conventional political economy. In the conventional view, mainstream as well as heterodox, capital is seen a “real” economic entity engaged in the production of goods and services, and capitalism is thought of as a mode of production ...

  3. * Article / Report: Commitment Pooling - An Economic Protocol Inspired by Ancestral Wisdom. By William O. Ruddick - Founder of Grassroots Economics Foundation, 2024 URL = () "a protocol that GrE is developing for resource coordination. The paper theorizes ...

  4. Description "The Commons movement is facing a challenge: to articulate the optimum rate at which a resource can be harvested or used without damaging its ability to replenish itself. The next economy will have to balance the needs of Earth’s expanding population ...

  5. From the Wikipedia: "Production for use is the defining criterion for a socialist economy that distinguishes socialism from capitalism, which is based on production for profit. It was one of the fundamental defining characteristics of socialism initially shared by Marxian socialists, evolutionary socialists, anarchists and Christian socialists.

  6. = Noosphere researcher Research Clement Vidal: "The main focus of my research is the origin of the Universe and the far-future of intelligence, which my book is about. I co-founded a research community with John Smart exploring the idea of an Evolutionary ...

  7. This new spirit of capitalism triumphed thanks to a remarkable recuperation of the “artistic critique”—that which, after May 1968, attacked the alienation of everyday life by capitalism and bureaucracy. At the same time, the “social critique” was disarmed by the appearance of neocapitalism and remained fixated on the old schemas of ...