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  1. 劃破長空,少女們悲喜交織的命運之鳴,「緋染天空 Heaven Burns Red」 由Key 麻枝 准執筆,背負著最後希望的少女們所譜出的故事。. 在地圖中盡情奔跑,一邊體驗可貴的每一天,一邊賭上性命戰鬥的戲劇性RPG!. 最近評論:. 極度好評 (43) 所有評論:. 極度好評 ...

  2. PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree.

  3. DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT is a definitive edition of the award-winning game by Hideo Kojima, featuring new content, enhanced graphics, and improved gameplay. If you already own DEATH STRANDING on Steam, you can upgrade to the DIRECTOR'S CUT for a discounted price and enjoy the ultimate experience of connecting a fractured world.

  4. 大侠立志传:碧血丹心. 《大侠立志传:碧血丹心》是一款开放世界武侠RPG游戏,更是一款像素版江湖生存模拟器,站在一个初出茅庐的市井小人物视角,还原在江湖底层摸爬滚打最终脱颖而出的逆袭经历。. 最近评测:. 特别好评 (513) 全部评测: 特别好评 (16,054 ...

  5. Fate/Samurai Remnant DEMO In this demo, you can play the early stages of the game. The Apprentice difficulty level is recommended for players who seek a casual combat experience and would like to focus on enjoying the story. Please visit the official website

  6. Savage Lands is a challenging Indie based fantasy survival sandbox experience that takes players on an adventure across a world ravaged by years of war between man and Dragon kind. Players must conquer an ominous and vast open world where every decision counts: craft/loot powerful weapons and armor, explore hostile landscapes and dark dungeons ...

  7. 境井仁的旅程首次登陸PC,透過導演剪輯版帶來完整的《Ghost of Tsushima》體驗。. 13世紀末,蒙古帝國展開東征,所到之處皆化為焦土。. 殘忍狡詐的蒙古將帥「赫通汗」,率領船隊大舉攻向日本本土,而處於兩者之間的對馬島便首當其衝。. 伴隨著第一波攻勢,對 ...

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