Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Antes de começar a usar o Minecraft. Uma jornada de mil blocos começa com o primeiro passo, e chegou a hora de você começar! No entanto, antes de explorar o mundo de blocos do Minecraft, existem algumas coisas que você vai precisar fazer antes de começar. Vamos explorar os conhecimentos básicos, além dos requisitos para jogar o Minecraft!

  2. Realm に参加したら、いつでも (Realm のオーナーがプレイしていなくても) その Realm でプレイすることができます。. 参加した Realm でプレイするには、こちらの手順に従てください。. Minecraft で [プレイ] を選択します。. [フレンド] タブを選択します。. [参加 ...

  3. 2024年2月29日 · Wolf Armor now acts as a shield, absorbing most damage directed to the Wolf: The Wolf Armor now has 64 durability. More cracks appear on the Wolf Armor as it takes more damage. If the Wolf Armor is dealt damage beyond 0 durability, it will break. But no worries, the Wolf Armor can now be repaired by using Armadillo Scutes on a sitting Wolf.

  4. 2024年4月29日 · The shipping room sure has been bustling with activity lately! So much so that we managed to cram one last release into the month of April. Today we're shipping Java Edition 1.20.6, a hotfix release that takes care of some critical issues that managed to sneak their way into the Armored Paws drop (1.20.5) last week. Happy llama-safe mining!

  5. 探索 Minecraft. Minecraft 是一款由方块、生物和社区组成的游戏。. 方块可以用来改变世界的形状或建造出新奇的作品。. 你可以与生物战斗或将其驯服,具体取决于你的游戏风格。. 无论是独自体验史诗般的冒险,还是与朋友一起,总有一个适合你游戏的方法。. 但 ...

  6. Windows 7/8(备选). 要获取 Minecraft,但没有方便的安装程序。. 如果你碰到了这种情况。. Minecraft exe. Mac. 启动后把 Minecraft 拖拽到您的应用程序列表中!. Minecraft.dmg. Debian / Ubuntu. 即装即玩,简单明了!.

  7. We're now releasing 1.20.2 for Minecraft: Java Edition. This release comes with more diamond ore in the deep regions of the world and changes to mob attack reach as well as optimizations to the game's networking performance enabling smoother online play even on low-bandwidth connections. This release also includes new features for map makers ...