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  1. 释义. 抗老防皱. 实用场景例句. 全部. Functions: Moisturizing, Firming Anti wrinkle, Moisture, Repair, increase skin brightness. 功能: 滋润, 紧实抗皱, 保湿, 修护, 增加肌肤明亮. 互联网. I've started getting wrinkles Do you have any anti - wrinkle products? 我开始有皱纹,你们有卖 防 皱纹的产品 吗 ? 互联网. Has an anti - wrinkle and anti - aging effect on the skin. 此产品具有 抗 皱和 抗 衰老作用,经济实用,用量很少. 互联网.

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  3. 释义. antiaging. 防衰老的; 实用场景例句. 全部. The future may provide an anti - senility pill. 将来或许会有一种 衰老药片. 辞典例句. Objective : To observe the antisenility effects of yishou capsule. 目的: 观察益寿胶囊的衰老作用. 互联网. Objective To observe the anti - aging effect of Danhuang capsule. 目的观察丹黄通络胶囊的 衰老作用. 互联网. These results implied that AFCS has an obvious antiaging effect.

  4. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供抗老防皱的中文意思,抗老防皱的用法讲解,抗老防皱的读音,抗老防皱的同义词,抗老防皱的反义词,抗老防皱的例句等英语服务。

  5. AI背单词. 覆盖117本考试词表,全新智能算法 精准规划单词记忆路径. 写作校对. 定位错误,提供改写建议,帮你完成 清晰、明确、无错误的写作. 语音翻译. 音频识别,在线翻译并快速转写为文 字,可读即可译。 取词划译. 全新桌面软件,支持浏览器及办公软 件取词,查词更简单. 多端数据云端同步,支持多个设备. 拍照语音翻译,支持英法日等7国语音. 立即下载. 爱词霸英语翻译器为广大英文学习爱好者提供即时的在线翻译、在线词典、英文写作校对、汉译英、英译汉、图片、文档翻译、汉语查词等服务,金山词霸在线查词翻译频道致力于提供优质的在线翻译、查词服务.

  6. Aryl bromides and aryl chlorides are cheaper and more easily available than aryl iodides. 相对芳基碘化物而言,芳基溴化物、芳基氯化物不但价格低廉,而且有原料易得的优势. 互联网. During baking, bromates are completely reduced to bromides with no bromination of flour constituents. 在焙烤过程中, 不用通过面粉各组分的溴化作用,溴酸盐也会全部彻底地还原成溴化物. 互联网. 展开全部.

  7. Starr is row looking into whether high-protein diets also improve the quality of the muscle itself in seniors.2019年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B Students are placed in small groups with counselors trained seniors on campus; they have access to cultural and ethnic affinity(联系) groups, tutoring centers and also have a summer orientation specifically for first-generation ...