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  1. 2023年9月8日 · 往年波心庭前設有燈光秀,將細砂流水妝點得更加繽紛。. 高台寺依山勢而建,火紅楓葉配上遠綠山陵,到了晚上的楓葉呈現優雅清幽,從早到晚都可以在寺廟中欣賞秋楓不同的面貌。. 【紅葉觀賞時期】11月~12月上旬. 【2022年點燈情報】10月21日~12月11日,日落 ...

  2. 2019年9月2日 · Tokyo Station is one of the main stations in Japan, receiving travelers and commuters from across Japan every day. While coin lockers and storage services are scattered throughout many areas of Tokyo Station, knowing the exact details of the available services will come in handy. So take a look at this basic guide and prepare for your trip to Tokyo!

  3. 這是一個使用JR高山本線(豬谷-富山)(Hida)的時間表,從富山到 高山。您可以查看發車、到站時間、列車類型和所需時間的清單。

  4. 2019年11月27日 · Shopping in Shinjuku can be daunting. This shopping guide will lead you the way into the best shopping areas for clothes, food, and souvenirs that are tourist-approved and locally recommended. The district is filled with towering buildings sprinkled with neon boards and signs, people rushing up and about, and the brightly lit shops here and there. Shinjuku Station has 3 main Exits: East, West ...

  5. 10 普通 JR奧羽本線(橫手-秋田) 橫手 訂票 14 17 普通 JR奧羽本線(橫手-秋田) 新庄 訂票 15 16 普通 JR奧羽本線(橫手-秋田) 湯澤 訂票 16 17 普通 JR奧羽本線(橫手-秋田 ...

  6. To Hamamatsu. Stops. 22:00. 22:10 → 23:17 ( 1h 7min ) Hikari 669. To Nagoya. Stops. This is a timetable using the JR Tokaido Shinkansen (Kodama・Hikari) from Shinagawa to Hamamatsu. You can check the list of departure, arrival time, train type and required time.

  7. 22. 時間表2024-05-17的內容目前反映了從交通新聞收到的最新數據。. 時間表修訂將於 2024 年 3 月 16 日星期六在日本全國實施。. 請注意,時間可能會改變。. 這份時刻表包含JR東海道新幹線NOZOMI名古屋站到新大阪站的時刻。. 您可以用這份表格查看發車時間、班車 ...

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