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  1. * Book: Integral Philosophy: The Common Logical Roots of Anthropology, Politics, Language, and Spirituality. by Johannes Heinrichs. Ibidem Press, 2018 URL = Contextual Quote "Johannes Heinrichs ranks among the world’s greatest systematic thinkers and this ...

  2. Description Holoptism ( or more accurately " Holopticism " ? ? ) is opposed to panoptism. This conceptual distinction is used in the Collective Intelligence site of ...

  3. Description Zak Stein: “I am not arguing for a return to premodern forms of metaphysics, which were rightly overthrown by the modern revolutions in scientific methods and epistemology. What follows is 'post-Kantian and 'post-metaphysical in the Habermasian ...

  4. CommonsPolis, à travers un processus participatif où se sont impliqués des plateformes de confluence municipaliste de l’Etat espagnol ainsi que des acteurs de la transition en France, définit sa raison d’être et son Plan Stratégique pour la période 2018-2020

  5. Contextual Citation "Anthropogenic implicates an actor that doesn’t exist. There is no Anthropos, no humanity as a unified actor. So, if not anthropogenic, what? In a word: capitalogenic." - Jason Moore Description Jerome Roos: "As one recent study has shown, 71 ...

  6. = "an organization promoting the knowledge and collective awareness of the sharing economy". URL = Description "Base: Amsterdam Year of ...

  7. Description 1. From the Wikipedia: "A platform cooperative, or platform co-op, is a cooperatively owned, democratically governed business that establishes a two-sided market via a computing platform, website, mobile app or a protocol to facilitate the sale of goods ...