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  1. 工作內容不固定——每天都不同。. Most companies insure property and equipment against damage or theft as a matter of routine. 作爲常規,大多數公司都爲其財産和設備購買損壞或盜竊保險。. [ C ] a regular series of movements, jokes, or similar things used in a performance. (表演中)一套固定的 ...

  2. 名詞. 1. 例行公事;日常工作;慣例;慣常的程序 [U] [C] As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant. 她一旦熟悉了辦公室的日常事務,就會成為一名優秀的助手。. 2. (經常表演的)固定劇目;一套固定舞步(或動作) [C] The Marx brothers were...

  3. done as part of what usually happens, and not for any special reason. 常规的. a routine inspection / medical check-up 常规检查/体检. ordinary and not special or unusual. 例行公事的;习惯性的. a routine case of appendicitis 普通阑尾炎病例. He died during a routine operation which went wrong. 他因一次常规手术 ...

  4. adjective. uk / ruːˈtiːn / us / ruːˈtiːn /. done as part of what usually happens, and not for any special reason: a routine inspection / medical check-up. 同義詞詞典:同義詞、反義詞、例句. ordinary and not special or unusual: a routine case of appendicitis. He died during a routine operation which went wrong. C2 disapproving.

  5. routine. /ruːˈtiːn/. 名詞. 例行公事, 慣例. "routine" 例句. You should make exercise part of your daily routine. 你應該把運動當作日常生活的一部分。. His exercise routine consists of running, swimming and weight lifting. 他的運動習慣包含了跑步、游泳以及舉重。.

  6. routine中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 按慣例安排n. 常規,慣例;生活乏味;(演出中的)一套動作;(計算機)例行程序adj.

  7. routine. /ruːˈtiːn/. 名詞. 慣例, 例行公事. "routine" 例句. I have seen their dance routine a couple of times before. 我之前已經看過他們跳舞的例行公事幾次了。. I've written a lot of new material for my comedy routine. "routine" 相關課程教材.

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