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  1. 方法在实验室内,采用模拟现场试验及现场试验方法对其杀菌效果进行检测. 期刊摘选. The fluorescent tracer technique is an effective means to detect the quantity of water treatment agent. 利用荧光示踪技术检测水处理剂的残留量是一种有效的方法. 期刊摘选. Their instruments can detect the ...

  2. 聚会的气氛. 牛津词典. The hotel offers a friendly atmosphere and personal service. 这家旅馆服务周到,使客人感到宾至如归。. 牛津词典. Use music and lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. 用音乐和照明创造一种浪漫的气氛。. 牛津词典. There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them.

  3. It is only in recent years that we hear It is only in recent years that we hear the more honest argument that predators are members of the community, and that no special interest has the right to exterminate them for the sake of a benefit ,real or fancied ,to itself. 出自-2010年考研翻译原文. com received one for its.

  4. contain, include, embrace, involve, comprehend, hold, comprise 这些动词均含有"包括,包含"之意。contain : 普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。 强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。include : 普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。

  5. situate, lie, stand 这些动词均含"位于"之意。situate : 通常用过去分词作表语,指某城镇、乡村或某物等的地理位置与环境的关系,即在何处。 lie : 最常用词,不及物,指国家、城镇、道路、湖海等所处的位置。 stand : 多指建筑物等被想象为主体的物体立于某处。

  6. rock, stone, gravel, pebble 这些名词均含"石,石头"之意。rock : 普通用词,指构成地表最坚硬部分或突出于周围地面的巨大岩石,也可指石头或石块。 stone : 普通用词,泛指井然的或经加工的各类石头,可大可小。 gravel : 集合名词,常指用于铺路的小石子和沙砾。

  7. Verb 1. render unsuitable for passage; "block the way" "barricade the streets" "stop the busy road" 2. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"3. stop from happening or developing; "Block his election" "Halt the

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