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  1. 4 天前 · 按壓足陽明胃經的 足三里穴、上巨虛穴、豐隆穴 ,至出現痠脹感;反覆輕輕畫圓揉按肚臍周圍,以及任脈的 中脘穴 ,可舒緩腸胃不適,並幫助身體代謝掉多餘的濕氣。 芒種節氣養生#按摩「百會穴」、「少衝穴」促進循環. mapo // Getty Images. 可多按壓 頭頂正中央百會穴 ,與雙手小指頭末梢橈側的 少衝穴 ,來促進全身氣血循環。...

  2. 5 天前 · Culture. 影劇話題. 《慶餘年2》完結,第三季即將回歸! 張若昀告別彩蛋公開,台灣影后歸亞蕾全新反派、最強宗師現身. 《慶餘年2》迎來精彩結局,讓觀眾更加期待第三季! By Kelly Hsiao Published: 2024/06/03. Disney+. 古裝傳奇劇《慶餘年第二季》迎來精彩完結!...

  3. 4 天前 · 《紅天鵝》講述一位丈夫出軌卻忍氣吞聲的財閥夫人,某天遇上帥氣保鑣後,決心展開復仇的故事。 值得一提的是,男女主角Rain和金荷娜都是睽違一年,重返小螢幕,相信許多劇迷已經等不及再次深陷兩人的演技魅力之中! 延伸閱讀>> 《背著善宰跑》殺青圖輯! 邊佑錫結局淚灑片場? 金惠奫、宋建熙、李承協幕後互動超親密. Disney+《紅天鵝》劇情大綱....

  4. 4 天前 · What is electrolysis hair removal? “Electrolysis is a procedure for permanent hair removal whereby an extremely fine needle or wire is inserted into the hair follicle without puncturing the skin,”...

  5. 4 天前 · Echoing Rihanna's sentiments, the footage depicts a range of hair textures, maintenance staples, and styling essentials, indicating that Fenty Hair aims to follow in the footsteps of its inclusive...

  6. 3 天前 · Fashion Shows. Dior’s Modern Renaissance Moment in Scotland. Maria Grazia Chiuri’s Cruise 2025 collection was staged on the grounds of a castle with celebrity guests and bagpipes in the background,...

  7. 4 天前 · The two recently teamed up to host an event in Las Vegas that promoted both of their alcohol brands, featuring Kendall’s 818 Tequila and Kylie’s brand-new Sprinter spiked seltzer.

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