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  1. 3 天前 · 不出多久,徐妻在美車禍重傷,徐遂放棄香港事業赴美照料,把股份出讓,包贊見廠房潛質優厚,卻又無多餘金錢買下徐股份,深感可惜。 文龍、貞烈又往宿營拍拖,約定文虎兩日後入營匯合,文虎因多日不見小蓮出現超級市場,非常失落,失約入營。

  2. 3 天前 · German tour operator FTI said Monday that it is filing for insolvency protection from creditors, and trips that haven't yet started will be canceled or scaled back. FTI Group, which describes itself as Europe's third-biggest tour operator, said parent company FTI Touristik GmbH, was filing an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings at a Munich court.

  3. 3 天前 · 徐英偉續稱,通關以來業界生意猶如「坐過山車」般波動,長假期首幾日表現較好,但近尾聲時又會出現「懸崖式下跌」,近期正值旅遊淡季,有酒店房租跌至300至400元,情況令人驚訝。

  4. 4 天前 · 展望未來,該行預期台積電憑藉在AI相關晶片製造和產能方面的領先地位,市場份額將進一步擴大;而中及華虹亦可能在國產化進程中取得更多市場份額。

  5. 3 天前 · Lowe's is the first home improvement retailer to offer customers an in-store, Apple Vision Pro-powered experience, with a pilot set to launch in three test markets this month. Customers can try Lowe's Style Studio™ for Apple Vision Pro firsthand, allowing them to visualize and design their dream kitchens using spatial computing and the help of a Lowe's associate.

  6. 5 天前 · 新加坡銀行:上調內地與香港股票至「增持」級別 料中長期漲幅將擴大. 新加坡銀行發布「中國大陸和香港股市:處於早期復甦階段」報告。. 新加坡銀行首席投資策略師李依萊表示,該行上調內地和香港股票立場至「增持」,而該行戰術性資產配置對亞洲 ...

  7. 5 天前 · 免責聲明:《阿思達克財經新聞》竭力提供準確資訊,惟不保證絕對無誤,資訊如有錯漏而令閣下蒙受損失(不論公司是否與侵權行為、訂立契約或其他方面有關),本公司概不負責。同時,《阿思達克財經新聞》所提供之投資分析技巧與建議,只可作為參考之用,並不構成要約、招攬、邀請、誘使 ...

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