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  1. 5 天前 · The designs are: Inventory, Creeper, Steve & Animals, Blocky, Grass Block, and Mining Wall. Then there’s the Performance range, the keyboards for hardcore gamers! These give you more of a competitive edge with magnetic switches, dynamic actuation, and rapid trigger. These come in four designs: Inventory, Creeper, Steve & Animals, and Mining Wall.

  2. 3 天前 · Build your core Minecraft memories IRL with LEGO Minecraft. DAY 10: Join Minecraft creators in reminiscing over 15 years of adventures! We all have a favorite Minecraft memory – like stumbling upon a woodland mansion for the first time. And maybe a least favorite memory – like discovering what’s inside the woodland mansion.

  3. 2 天前 · Thankfully, we won’t need a map to find our Minecraft time capsule because we’re going to display it – and you get a say in what we fill it with! The time capsule will become part of our existing installation at the Microsoft Visitor Center in Redmond, WA and be unveiled this fall.