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  1. 一杯幸福茶,一份人情味。 秉持以茶會友的初衷,茶湯會以融合累積40多年來的調茶技術,以簡便不失美味的方式,將大自然賜予的幸福好茶與您分享,歡迎有空來喝茶。

  2. 飲品加料:. +10元﹝紅豆、檸檬、寒天晶球、椰果、波霸、珍珠﹞. +15元 ﹝粉粿、布丁﹞. 拿鐵類飲品隨時間消泡未達滿杯為正常現象,建議即早飲用以享用最佳口感。. 為維持品質及飲品風味,不加冰飲品約八分滿供應。. 【此版本適用區域:台北、桃園、新竹 ...

  3. 台中市服務據點 TP Tea Shop List. 門市名稱. 訂位專線. 門市位置. 立即導航. 台中學士店 (輕食限定店) 04-22077317. 台中市北區學士路161號. 台中漢口店 (輕食限定店)

  4. TP TEA has utilized the 40 years of experience and expertise in tea to select tea leaves of the finest quality for our consumers. We want to make new friends via tea and therefore want to provide the best tea for them. Everyone at TP TEA is committed to making the best tea to entertain our customers. 一杯幸福茶,一份人情味。.

  5. 從品牌形象到飲品包裝都有著濃厚古風韻味的茶湯會,沿襲唐代飲茶文化「以茶會友」,將珍珠奶茶等一系列飲品帶入生活,想生氣喝一口、想不到怎麼接話也喝一口,一起喝過手搖的都會變成朋友喔!

  6. 茶湯會不定時提供您最熱門的優惠活動,促銷訊息以及最新的茶湯會資訊,與您一同分享這一份幸福茶。

  7. Latte drinks are recommended to finish early for its best taste. Latte foam dissipates after a period of time and results in less volume is also a natural phenomenon. 【Applicable Area:Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Yilan, Hualien, Penghu, Kinmen】. 【Most stores in North area are based on this version of menu.

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